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What do you sound like?

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Wix | 23:06 Mon 24th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
81 Answers
What does your voice sound like?
My voice is quite deep.
What about yours???


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Oh.. heres an exaple

my mom is from northern ireland and my dad is from southern ireland and most people who talk to them cant understand them, hence me inheriting a slow electronic voice
Right Glesga
have the refuse collectors been yet mother
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did you do the voice overs for stephen hawkings voice machine cazz?
No, I wanted my career to take a new direction, I have been auditioning for sat nav and answering machines, the sat nav one said I sounded souless, a few hasty slaps will make her see sense Im sure..
I sound like this........... lol
I have a " small " voice , people either don't hear me or they ask me to repeat it , or to speak up . I am like the small mouse who stands trying to say " scuseme , scuseme " :-(
Well BM,youve got a lovely loud voice on here.x
Top marks Dot you have translated perfectly
THANKYOU ....oops I mean thankyou hau kola :-)
Here's a bit of Yorkshire

I havent had tooty frooties for years
Talking of Yorkshire, your tourist board don't exactly do much to endear people, or at least, that was the case when I was at primary school. We were split into groups in P5 and had to find out as much as we could about various parts of England for a school project to study and talk about. I remember being gutted when every other group's info packs came through but ours didn't and despite several requests from our teacher we got diddly squat. When my teacher finally phoned to request an info pack she got a right earful and told that they weren't really interested because they were too busy and slammed the phone down. I had no info for my wee project and had to go on what the teacher told me to say. Hated Yorkshire for the duration of primary school and funnily enough have never visited but I am sure that the people are lovely. Will need to go and see for myself I guess.

I have a soft, Scottish female accent. Not slang and easy to understand ......... even by Whiffey!
enigma that was really ignorant, can't understand why that happened because Yorshire folk are usually very helpful. I am Lancs not Yorks but live on the border it must have been some miserable old t**t and so sorry for your first impressions.
Oh don't worry Pussnboots. I was only about nine years old when that happened and I am 31 now so it's water off a duck's back but I remember crying because of the miserable hag who was 'far too busy' to give some schoolkids material for a project to talk about them. For years I thought that people from Yorkshire were mean and selfish and it just made me think after you mentioned Yorkshire, that I have never actually been but I am sure that the people will be lovely. Oddly enough, I don't think that I have ever actually met anyone from Yorkshire though so i'll need to make a point of visiting. Will report back with my findings lol.
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I sound broad yorkshire to anyone who doesnt come from round here but to anyone from yorkshire I would sound like I have a Leeds accent. Funny though cos I talked to someone on the phone the other day from canada and he thought I sounded Australian :s

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