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What do you sound like?

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Wix | 23:06 Mon 24th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
81 Answers
What does your voice sound like?
My voice is quite deep.
What about yours???


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I sound like Peter Kay apparently or someone from Coronation Street, particularly Janice Battersby if you listen to Rugeleyboy :)
I sound like a posh bird from Peckham with a slight cornish twang on certain words and a definite northern influence in some of the things I say. (Thanks housemate!)

So quite odd I would imagine.
Sean Connery without the lishp
China Doll, I too have been told I sound posh!!!!! I think I sound more like Sybil Fawlty.x
Frank Skinner
It's just those commoners around us Katie... ;0)
I was always told I sound quite posh compared to other people where I live, then I heard my voice when I was on the new and its hideous, and I personally thought it was to Norfolk sounding. 'av you got a loight boy' :-)
Hi 4get
My wife thinks i sound like Ray winstone.

I think ray winstone sounds like me:}
right back at ya rev :-)
but do you look like him laurence?
i sound exactly like my mum (which is a lot posher than forget) and i have a bit of a northern accent rather than Norfolk lol

4get, i was wondering where youd been, did you have a day off?
Red/4get - Do u look like the Wurzels?

No not really.

I'm more rugged than him:}

Must be all them bangs on the head i recieved years ago?
dont be so stupid rev, the wurzels are men. We look like dingles :)
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yep. either of them! :)
I sound Scottish - but most people can't place where I come from in Scotland except that I don't sound Glaswegian. I have had every guess under the sun, but generally in the Perthshire or Inverness-shire area. I am from Edinburgh and was brought up in a rough council estate, but my parent liked us to say our words properly so my whole family have a bit of a strange accent! My kids are now pretty much the same, considering that they have me and my husband (originally form the Borders but lived in Edinbugh for a good while) as an example and now we are all in Stirling.

Best story so far is my son age 5 getting ready for school - I asked him to get his jacket, he said "Mum there are two other names for Jacket" me - "oh are there", "yes mum" he replied, "coat and Jaykit" they may pick up some local slang yet!
me too annie0000, where were you brought up? I was Craigmillar

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