okay, well i see it like this...the fact us, we (and by we i mean "anyone!") like anything thats quick and easy. a lie is just that. besides, its not always a good idea to be honest. if your a troop in iraq, do you really want your commanding officer to tell you honestly your out numbered, theres not enough ammo, the amoured cars are actually...well, not armoured, and theres not enough bullet proof vests to go round your unit? no. id rather forget about it and get on with the job. probably get killed enroute but still...id die ignorant but happy!
then theres the politically correct lies. everyone knows the politically right answers to these stupid political questions, ie poverty, world peace, sexuality, immigration and so on....but people dont tend to say what they really think, its easier to lie and follow everyone else. ill just say "yeah i care about 3rd world poverty" truth is, i dont, and i dont see why i should. i wasnt asked to be born. i have my own fair share of problems, why should the worlds problems be my burden? thats what i really think. but ill lie for the sake of simplicity and ease.
always a good example, do you tell your blatently ugly child their ugly? no. you say "you beautiful! ignore the bullies at school!" dont tell me theres not a parent who honestly believes their kid is ugly, but they wont say it because it would be just too hurtful.
fact is, everyone knows theres not enough honesty in world. but it wont change. why even ask the question? asking presumes theres a possible solution. there never will be. accept it. hell, embrace it, after all - everyone else does!