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firetto | 18:43 Wed 14th Jul 2004 | Body & Soul
55 Answers
What is the meaning of life?


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Life has no meaning except that which you put into it yourself.
Go to the Body & Soul category and type "meaning of life" into the search box to see a few of the many times this question has been asked and answered before.
What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
Don't you mean six by seven?
to be happy and to increase happiness in others.
What is the meaning of life? - About 15 years which can normally be commuted down to about 8 or 10 depending on your offence/behaviour/likelihood to re-offend
Getting out of bed in the morning, doing things all day, going back to bed at night. The end!
Well. It could be anything really from destroyyyyying the earth to scratching your bum. The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be.
NO NO NO NO NO! I do NOT mean "six by seven". The correct question is "What do you get if you multiply six by nine?" as was clearly stated in the TV series. It was Deep Thought who got the answer ("Forty-two") wrong in the first place.
you should have posted this question in film and tv. jim
Nebraska. With apologies to whomever it is I should be apologising to.
the meaning of life is learning living laughing and loving
be kind to people and enjoy life to the full. take as much enjoment and share it with someone. give more than u take. appreciate the womders around you.
if you look into ur heart u will find the answer
if you think life is fare its not ur just going to have to live wif it people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no good or bad in the biblical sense life is a series of experiences and tests that will either grind you down or strengthen your character. i believe the afterlife is merely a metaphor for your inner self or soul, if you have lived and loved and spread good vibes then you will be surrounded by positive energy in the afterlife, on the other hand if you're a miserable ****** who goes out of their way to spread misery then you will be rewarded with misery likewise. So the moral to this little tale is to be happy whatever life deals you. On the other hand the meaning of life could be to get drunk as often as possible and have loads of nookie!!!!!
We are here to reproduce and thats it what you do in between is up to you.
The meaning of life is to know, love and serve God. God created us in His image for our eternal goal of heaven. Our life is like a test here on Earth to see if we deserve heaven. Our lives here on this Earth is only a mere second compared to eternity in heaven with God.

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