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jig about?

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christine847 | 13:29 Sun 06th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I was just preparing my veg (yes sprouts) fot the evening meal ,jigging about to the Spice Girls (xmas.Prezzie) when my husband came in turned it off,said it was crap,said Ishould play it before he comes home. what do you think? Do you like a jig about while your doing things in the kitchen? Spice Girls crap?


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I often jig about the kitchen, while doing my thing, but never to the Spice girls, my old man would never dare to turn my music off, though it helps to have the same taste in music.
I can't say I like the spice girls that much but I do think there's a need for give and take in a relationship. If he wants his dinner then he should put up and shut up! :oD
Well if hes out blast it.When hes home just do your womanly duties chrissy.
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Hiya popsy topsy,
He only likes classical music nothing wrong with that but just not my cup of tea!

I've a sister-in-law who only likes classical, it drives her husband up the wall, well it would be a dull old world if we all had the same taste,chris.
..............I don't think it's so much to do with tastes, rather that it's so boorish - just turning off someone's music.................why do women put up with people like that?...................oops .......getting a bit excited there..........think I'll get back to the Crosswords............:o)
I think your husband is bang out of order!! What right does he have to turn off your music just because he doesn't like it! Your in the kitchen preparing dinner for the both of you, if he doesn't like it then why can't he go to another room and listen to his own music?

Did you have it up a bit loud? Fair play if that was the case but he could have just asked you to turn it down, he didn't have to turn it off & say that you have no taste. & what are you meant to do, keep a look out for him coming home so that it gets switched off before he enters the house?

Tell him to make his own damn dinner!!
Hi christine,im doin exactly the same except im jigging around to the Hoosiers,hubby is out cleaning the car listening to Cascada.My music isnt to his taste at all but he would never dictate where and when i should listen to it.
I often jig about and sing at the top of my voice.
You should taunt him and do it even more, dance right in front of him!!
That's what I do!!
I am with Wingnut on this one!! Lol.
christine - never stop jigging - damn rude of him if you ask me lol
I live on my own Chrissy so I can play whatever I like when I'm doing me chores etc. I usually put my iPod on so I can hear my classical music and progressive rock whilst the vaccum cleaner is on. Sorry hun but Spice Girls, Take That etc really aren't my thing. x
what a boring g!t !! fancy liking just classical!!

I do like to bop around the kitchen when Im peeling veg or doing this and that!! I listen to all sorts of music, a lot from the 80s, 90s and 00s

mainly cheesy, but a good dancing song :D

I sing with it as well , out loud!! :D

thats my special torture time
What a controlling git ... you WERE in the kitchen I would have stunned him with a skillet - and expected an apology when he regained conciousness.
i always dance around the house but to the old stuff turn his music off next time see how he likes it
O I just bang on The Proclaimers,Neil Diamond -anything I can just belt out and they ^^^ can sing along with -lol

(I do have more up to date stuff as well BTW -just have very catholic taste in music )

O and Christine -a swift kick on the shins never hurt anyone -well apart from the doughball who is trying to dictate to you -tell him to take a running jump.

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