men paying on a date in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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men paying on a date

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red_dragon | 13:18 Wed 06th Feb 2008 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
HI I have recently met up with a guy and we had a drink together. I am due to see him again this week as it's my birthday and he said we would get together to celebrate.
He has suggested a beer festival and said he would book a b & b which I'[m ok with.
He has said today that we are to go halves on the b & b.
I feel a bit put out by this and I'm not sure if I should be.
I live 50 miles away from where this beer festival is so have to either drive there and back or catch the train, both of which would cost money, let alone paying half for the b & b. Am I being unreasonable seeing as it is my birthday?
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A Man should always pay on a date, may seem a bit old fashioned to some, but I have never ever let a lady pay, and he should pick you up and take you home too, he sounds like a right d1ckhead, give him the elbow, tell him to go boil his head .
No, no, no... A man should not always pay on a date! It's a very uncomfortable feeling if you're me. I really don't like it unless there's a reason for it (birthday or something).

That said, this guy sounds like a bit of knob job so tell him to jog on.
lol ray! 'Go boil his head' What a great line xxx
I wouldn't go if I were you. I don't think you sound too keen. Did he specify booking one room or two? Most men would pay for the treat if it is your birthday. He doesn't sound very generous.
red_dragon -
He's basically saying, here's the deal, drink/sex/no ties, are you in or are you out! It's up to you red xxx
Hi red_dragon, your right for the warning bells to be going off, I agree with everyone on here, you are not being unreasonable at all, I think as it was his idea and it is your Birthday, you should defo not be asked to put half. Being a little old fashioned too, I don't think its so nice that he has a b&b planned - has he even asked you about sharing a room or has he just presumed?

Good luck whatever you decide and have a fab birthday,x
I always pay half on a date, and the guy always takes the money no questions asked. Suits me as then I dont 'owe' them anything and cant be accused of getting free drinks/meal whatever. (sounds bad - I dont make a habit of it lol).
Your situation tho sounds a bit dicey I would say! God he could be an axe murderer for all you know !!! I definitely wouldnt stay overnight with him if you dont know him, irrespective of who pays.

Have a nice birthday <:-)
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Thanks for your answers.
Someone asked about age, I am 41 (until tomorrow!) and he is 37. I work and he doesnt, guess I should have mentioned that. Not that I have any money though. I also think driving 50 miles there and 50 miles back will cost enough as it is.
I think I'll tell him some of what you guys have suggested!

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