Gout was the bane of my life: My first bout was at 26, and i didn't get another flare up until two years ago at 32, and since then have been getting it about four times a year. I was prescribed endomethacin for the flare ups, which is very very effective: however, I wanted treatment to avoid getting it in the first place. As a result, i was referred to a rheumatologist (correct spelling?), and after urine and blood tests, I am now on allupurinol, which suppresses the uric acid development, and therefore the theory is that I will never get it again (fingers crossed). My diet is fine, I don't drink to excess, I exercise a lot and I drink shed loads of water, so in theory, I shouldn't've got it at all: I got it becuase I inherited a defective enzyme from my father (along with a big nose - thanks dad). Whenever I've told my rugby team I couldn't play becuase of it, I was greeted with howls of laughter, but unless you've had it, people have no idea how damn painful it is. Foods to avoid are red meats, offal, shellfish (was a big problem for me as I could happily live on shellfish) and other foods that are high in purines (marmite and baked beans for instance). The remedy that I've heard helps the most is celery.