ChatterBank1 min ago
20 Answers
ihave just been reading a christian leaflet , i believe i am a goo kind person and try to the utmost to live my life to the seven virtues however i was shocked to find that usinng contraception is definitely a forbidden sin . i am sickened that this leaflet has deeply expressed in the eyes of gosd we are helping satans existence by using contraception ,an i quote from this leaflet exactly what flabbergasted me "the greatest single cause of suffering on earth today is contraception (mmm so ithasnt been the all out violent wars, murdering or drugs i ponder) because it is contraception that has prevented the descendants of the peoples of the wetern world from being born resulting in a geriatric population unable to pay their own pensions( what the hell!"!!)while in the developing world contraception has caused sexually transmitted diseases to increase to a stage of epidemic proliferation and this has been done because people through the use of contraception have said to jesus "we dont car". first off i must say was this writer high when he wrote this, i always believed that through using contraception we are preventing sexually transmitted diseases .what a dumbass.. plus if we were to concieve every time how could any one human being parent hundreds of children to their full potential, will jesus buy the groceries and mortgage the house for all these kids i wonder.i have faith in what i believe. and i truly abstain from sinnning but now i am confused on how to continue with my sex life in the righteous way of god!! im stressed , anybody got some helpful words or any opinion would help my plight
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The most important thing to do sylviak, is to follow your own path of what you believe is right.
Regarding the use of contraception to curb the rise in STDs, as far as I am aware (and somebody please probably correct me here if I am wrong), the only contraception which can do this is the condom. Other forms (pill, diaphragm (is this spelt right), etc) merely stop the reproductive process and will still allow the sexual organs of both parties to come into direct contact and thus cannot stop the spread of germs.
I can only speak for the Catholic faith here but part of our doctrine states "no sex before marriage" and even then only for reproductive purposes. Obviously, this is ignored by virtually all Catholics worldwide. Most people nowadays do not follow their religion to the letter of the law but live their own lives doing what they believe to be right and I personally think that this is the best method to lead a full and happy life. The days of having to do what the Pope or other religious leaders tell us to do is gone, particularly in light of the recent revelations regarding clerical sex abuse cases.
Considering that you were concerned enough over the content of the leaflet to write in and look for advice would convince me that you are a right minded Christian who knows right from wrong so do not change the way you live your life.
I can understand your anger, but this is in no way Christian despite what the leaflet says - it sounds more like a cult hiding behind a Chrisian identity - a common ploy!
If you haven't already - tear it up and try to forget this rubbish. Jesus preaches love - and this garbage only spreads confusion and misery.
I'm angry now!!!!!
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Every religion has its flaws that is why the majority of people these choose to take it or leave it. I leave it but my mother has just become a Christian and I have no respect for it. But I will tolerate it. At the end of the day every religion has different beliefs such as noi blood transfusions even if your sick child is dying - Jehovas, No contraception - Catholics etc...
The way I see it is if you believe in your religion then you should fulfill it through - do everything your religion states, its beliefs and actions if you just take it or leave it then you are better off leaving it.
That is my only 'belief'
I have to agree with Cetti that the leaflet you found is not Christian.
It doesn't line up with anything I've ever read in the Bible. God has called us to live for Him, to seek to glorify Him in all we do. The Bible does tell us to save our bodies for marriage. A Christian is just a name for a follower of Christ. If you believe Jesus is the son of GOd and that He was sent to save you from your sins, and you desire to know Him and grow in a relationship with Him, then you are a Christian. Jesus was the only human to walk the earth sinless, we can't abstain from sin any more than we can abstain from breathing. But Jesus bridged the gap between God and humans, by paying for our sins on the cross. We can't be perfect, it's impossible, but we can accept God's forgiveness, b/c He freely offers that. And none of that has anything to do with contraception.
I agree with Cetti et al, this is not coming from a true Christian but from someone who wishes to control and destroy people! God is about Love and Forgiveness! I do have to disagree with Philtaz in that "The greatest single cause of suffering on earth today is religion" this is just yet another excuse by sick minds (not you Philtaz!) to prevert what religion is about! No true religion promotes violence or suffering! I am a Christian, but I am also talking about Buddism, Islam, Judiasm etc too! A prime example of this is Northern Ireland where I grew up! This is not about 'religion', but is about cultural differences and intolerance! If we all just accepted each other for who we are as individuals we could live in peace! But as human's we are flawed!
I'm with Philtaz. Religion by its nature creates division, and it's all downhill from there.
If you didn't throw your lot in with any religion, you wouldn't be desperately worried by confusing "misrepresentations" like the leaflet.
Make your own mind up based on facts, logic and experience of human nature.
You don't have to be religious to be a good person and you don't have to be a good person to be religious. Therefore, the religion is largely irrelevant.
I personally dont agree with much about religion. It causes diversity in society which results in a discrimination to certain groups. I understand that i am talking broadly, but at the end of the day religion is a 'belief' and due to a natural individuality of people, these beliefs are different (ie opinion). In order for religion to be useful, (as a social control factor) people need to respect each others choices of believes. (Just look at what most wars are over!!!!!!!!!)
A christian means that they follow Jesus Christ God's son. We believe that he actually saved us from some pretty bad stuff - he died for us.
Well coz he died it means that he'll forgive you if you ask him. There is no 'worst sin' coz its all forgiveable. God never intended for us to have sex before marriage but contraception isnt ever mentioned in the Bible (God's word). If you wanna know more about this just ask coz its really important stuff to knwo - life-changing.