i'm very appreciative,thanks for your answers. it seems like i have to stick with my green eyes for now and wear contacts. are there permanent contacts? i mean contact lenses i can wear overnight ? also do they have any side effects? i have another question, what is the best eye coor? thanks in advance
I have been wearing contacts for about 15 years now and I've never heard of any that you can wear overnight. I'd love to know if there was though.
And I know you don't want to hear this, but for me , the sexiest eye colour is green.
There are contact lenses that you can wear for 14 days continuously but my optician won't let me have any as it does increase greatly the chance of eye problems, i.e. infections. They are ideal for people 'on call' such as doctors, firemen who absolutely have to have them etc., and they must agree that they're prepared to take the greater risk of eye damage. In the words of my optician "I won't sell them to someone just because they're lazy!" Bah!!! *pouts*-
There are contacts you can wear continuously for 30 days but I don't know if they come in different colours. A google search seems to come up with lots of info including some debate about how hygienic they are. And the best eye colour is blue...ofcourse.
I've got lenses that you keep in for 30 days & you don't have to take them out at all in that time (only if you get dust in them or a bit of makeup falls into them)
I can't even feel them. It's important to keep up checkups with the optician to make sure the surface of the eye is not getting damaged, but there are drops you can put in to soothe them if they start to feel scratchy & dry.
Mine cost about �18.50 a month with Specsavers.I'm not sure if they come in colours, but they might.
The best eye colour has got to be blue!
My 30 day lenses are called Purevision, and are made by Bausch & Lamb...supplied by Specsavers. You can sleep, cry, swim, stand on your head in them for 30 days, then chuck away & put new ones in.