being a smoker I have noticed when I wake up in the morning the phlegm at the back of my throat is very thick and almost like jelly,in turn this is causing very embarrassing bad breath. Is there any available remedies available over the counter?
The over the counter remedy is to stop smoking. Tell the shop assistant the other side of the counter "No more tabacco for me!" Hazards of smoking have been known for ninety years, so why do you smoke?
If you find that you are waking most mornings with excess phlegm in the back of your throat you seriously need to consider giving up, not worrying about bad breath! It is not a good sign and can lead to chronic lung disease.
Yes, there is a remedy available. It comes in the form of chewing gum or small patches that go on your arm! Give up before you encounter serious problems. Trust me, if a can do it, im sure you can!