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belly button fluff

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anewday | 10:06 Fri 04th Jul 2008 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
is it true that if a man and woman wore a white fluffy t shirt for a day and at the end of the day they picked out the fluff. The womans would be pink and the mans would be blue?


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nope all blue
Depends on what they are wearing
Yes,and the Tooth Fairy will call on you tonight too!
And if the fluff is rainbow-cloured, does it mean they're gay?
Hee Hee where the heck did you hear that!

Its a very strange question but I always thought fluff was a sort of grey.

Certainly dont think its gender orientated.

Em x
Perhaps if anewday picks at theirs it will be Green? LOL

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belly button fluff

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