If you're having symptoms which make you think you're lacking in fibre then Fibresure is very good.
It's a powder you can mix in drinks which you can't taste and adds some more fibre to your syste,
You can get a trial pack of sachets in places like Boots or a bigger jar.
http://www.fibresure.co.uk/?gclid=COTbtrL215QC FR0nEAodtWQflw
Food wise, you could get some Allbran to spinkle over your yogurty thing, maybe some wholemeal croutons in your soup.
If things don't improve and you stil have a sluggish bowel then pop and see your GP to see if they can find a cause. Odd bouts can be normal but prolongued can indicate a problem.
Ps lactulose syrup is quite good if you need anything like that - just ask at a pharmacy counter.