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xodbabigrlxo | 21:31 Sun 12th Sep 2004 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
What does Iron do for my body?


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Iron is an essential mineral in the human body. Since the actual amount of iron required by the body is small, it is called a trace mineral. Iron is found in haemoglobin, which transports oxygen from one tissue to another in the blood. When the iron level is low, the amount of available oxygen declines, thus limiting energy production. Tiredness and fatigue, therefore, are common symptoms of iron deficiency.

Anyone can experience iron deficiency. Conditions that can contribute to deficiency include:
  • increased iron needs due to growth,
  • pregnancy or illness;
  • inadequate intake of iron due to restrictive dietary regimens;
  • excessive blood loss.
Consumption of iron-containing foods is crucial for maintaining iron stores in the body. There are two types of iron in foods: haeme and nonhaeme. The body absorbs haeme iron much easier than nonhaeme iron. Meat and seafood products provide haeme iron; plant products supply nonhaeme iron.
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Hello Hippy. As much as your answer is correct, there can be other reasons why you may not have enough iron in your system, although I am not sure how common they are. I used to try and give blood in my 20's, but more often than not, was unable to as my haemoglobin was low. After taking iron tablets for years, my HB level settled at about 8, which isn't terribly low, but by then I was suffering lots of muscle pain and lethargy. After a difficult pregnancy and month long stay in hospital, I had my second child 20 months ago. I had to have a c section (as with my first child) and had a blood transfusion 2 days after. My blood was tested again, but was told 'it still didn't look right'. Eventually, after taking 5 iron tablets a day through most of the pregnancy, they looked at my iron store and discovered it was deplete (was less than 35 on a scale of 35 to 250). I had 14 IV iron transfusions over 3 months which will hopefully keep me on track for a while. I have blood tests every 3 months to keep an eye on things. It means that even with a healthy diet of iron rich foods (which i have always eaten) I don't absorb iron which leaves me feeling very tired and full of aches and pains on my worst days. P.S. Our 2 children are well worth everything P.P.S. Apologies if I have bored you!

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