Pain is lower left side. Mild constipation. Lots of trapped wind and bloating. Generally caused by something I've eaten that doesn't suit me. Unable to eat any citrus fruit, strangely I can eat the occasional banana, mainly stick to apples and pears, avocado is fine. Anything spicy like curry, chilli, pickled onions, any thing fried, is definitely a no no. Anything in the brassica family, i.e cabbage, broccoli, and peas affect me. Although cauliflower and carrots are fine. Sometimes it can be several weeks between attacks, which usually last about a week. My pharmacist recommended 'Colofac IBS', a tablet which is taken with a glass of water 20 minutes before you wish to eat, as symptoms are often worse after a meal. I'm pleased to say that these tablets work very well for me. The only proviso is that if it doesn't clear up in under 2 weeks, then it is advisable to see a doctor. Hope this helps. Poor you, it's pretty awful isn't it. Hope you find something that works for you.