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antibiotic vs antiseptic

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what..the? | 11:38 Mon 03rd Nov 2008 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
Please can someone enlighten me on the difference between the two.

Thanks in advance

From a manky foot in cornwall


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I always assumed, now I couid be wrong here (I often am) that an antibiotic was something you took internally to help your body fight an illness and an antiseptic was something you put on externally to help clean a wound- like ointment for example.

Hope your foot gets better soon.
that sounds right, B00. You take antibiotics to help your body defeat an infection you already have; you use an antiseptic (cream or whatever) to stop you getting infected in the first place
You can also get antibiotic creams though.
I hadn't heard of them, Lottie. What do you do with them, rub them on a wound that's got infected?
But does that cream seep (urgh, horrible word) into you so that your body can fight it from the inside in that place?

And did that even make sense??
Yes, I think the creams get to actual site of any infection and don't affect any other areas - usually used by itself when the infection isn't too serious (i.e. an infected small wound) or in conjunction with pills.

Am taking antibiotics at the moment :o(.
Awww sorry to hear that Lottie xxxx

hope you get better soon too, along with what..the's? foot.
Question Author
well thats what I wanted an antibiotic cream for my foot but you cannot get them over the counter, well thats what 'Boots' told me. I dont have a registered doctor so I wondered if antiseptic would do? The foot is already swollen, infected and looks smells like a homeless druck's foot so who knows soaking it does help short term but I cannot exactly walk into work and sit with a bowl of water under my desk, "excuse me sir while a soak manky feet, is that 1 lump or 2 in your tea?"
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thanks Boo your lovely x
Antibiotic - a medicine or chemical that can destroy harmful bacteria in the body or limit their growth:

Antiseptic -a chemical used for preventing infection in an injury, especially by killing bacteria

As you can see, there is little difference between the two really, other than that Antispectics are a preventative measure. I.e. if i start to get a tickle in my throat, i'll use an antiseptic mouth wash to try and sto it in its tracks.

Once it is established into a throat infection, i would need to get antibiotics from the doctor to kill what is already established.

Likewise, when you cut yourself, you would use antiseptic lke savlon, germonline, dettol etc to clean the wound and kill any germs/bacteria that might have got it.
If you were unfortunate enough for the cut to get infected, the Doc would prescribe antibiotics.

In terms of your manky foot (poor you!), it would be perfectly OK to continue treating an existing problem with an antiseptic, whilst also taking antibiotics. Kind of double whammy!

If your foot is that bad, whilst an antiseptic won't harm, it is unlikely to sort it out by itself. The fact that you say it smells , is a bad sign. You must get it seen to, asap.
You either need to vsit a doctors as an emergency patient (you can even if unregistered), or see if there is a local NHS walk-in clinic anywhere. Worst case, go down to A & E, and take a good long book for while you wait!
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Thanks for that info Kira maybe best go out and buy some antiseptic for now then and see how I go and if it's still manky I should see about getting registered so I can get some antibiotic cream. If I could get an antibiotic cream over the counter though I could buy that now, bit of a shame.
Holy cow what..the? your foot sounds horrible!

like kira says get yourself down to A&E, pronto!

Go on, what you waiting for...hop (heh!) to it.
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oh right
Thanks BOO. xx

What..the? Please take Kira's advice. Your foot seems to be quite badly infected. Get yourself down to A & E asap before the infection travels up your leg!! (frightening tactics).

B00 and i arent telling you off really!
We are just concerned! Right B00?!

If you dont get it sorted, it could get worse, and no-one wants a stay in hospital with blood poisoning..

You should be able to look up on line to see your local NHS drop ins, or A&E's.

Get it seen, and let us know how you are doing!

Take care!
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I hate hospitals after my brother died there of NHS negliegance. I will probably try to get registered today and book soon at a local doctors, it's not painful though dont get me wrong it's just manky, and hell I'm not a flip flop model so I'm not too bothered lol

I promise I will look at registering, thanks for the concern xxx
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there is no NHS drop in centre in my city I have looked already so will look up local doctors x
I had to use an antibiotic cream on the inside of my nose after my septoplasty a year ago as it wouldn't heal due to infection:(
Hi what..the?

If you're in the UK and need antibiotics etc.... there is E-MED.

I have the medi pack for travel and I use them for my private scripts.

All very legal, and they don't supply pain killers, or anti depressants or anything like that, but the medi pac will be with you in 3 days max and that has antibiotics and anti biotic cream aswell as other essentials.

Get well soon!!!!!

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