redheadisbac stunning generalistion.
How do you know who has or hasn't seen a clairvoyant?
How do you know I haven't seen Sally Morgan?
I take the whole woo woo con job very seriously indeed and I see it as fraud, do you notice that all psychic programes on TV now have a disclaimer "for entertainment purposes only" do you know why? Because no psychic when challenged has been able to prove their abilities NONE!
James Randi has a longstanding challenge to the whole woo woo community prove you can do, what you say you can do and win $1m. Easy the likes of Sally Morgan swoons in answers a few qusetions does her stuff picks up $1m
That money has been on offer for 10 years.
Have you seen Derren Brown a remarkable mentalist, I believe he is called stunning trickery but its just that and he says so, he can do anything that a so called psychic can do and more.
Paul Daniels can get you to draw a picture and then from a previously sealed envelope pull out a piece of paper that says what youve drawn, he doesn't describe himself as a Psychic but as a magician.
After years of hounding, by Randi, Uri Geller now calles himself an entertainer.
These people pray on the weak and gullible.