Most likely Blepharitis which is an inflammation due to many possibilities, including make-up and dandruff. It's easily treated. Here, in the U.S., one can purchase over the counter "kits" for eyelid cleaning. However, I've found that a clean wash cloth and a small amount of Johnson's Baby Shampoo are just as effective at washing the debris away that's the primary cause. This is followed by hot compresses applied for a few minutes follwing the cleansing. Initially, this procedure should be done twice a day, morning and evening and then, after a week or so, once or twice a week for maintenance purposes.
There are recent reports, apparently supported by data, that flax seed oil supplements are helpful in controlling the Blepharitis...
It's also posiible it's caused by Demodicosis...the results of a small, nearly microscopic mite that lives in almost everyones hair follicles at the base of the eyelashes. The washing can help control them and rellieve the itchiness. In the worst case scenario, a lotion or salve can be prescribed by the doctor.
I, personally, also found that using artificial tears once or twice a day alleviates the condition (along with the washing technique)...