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2nosey | 23:35 Thu 07th Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
is there any proof that Jesus was married and had children?


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There's no proof there was a no.
There is nothing in the Scriptures to even suggest that Jesus married or had children. I believe he remained celibate because although sex is a gift from God, He would prefer that we remained celibate. As Mary was a virgin when she conceived to make Jesus 'perfect' it must figure that Jesus remained 'pure' Himself. I'm sure that if He had children they would have been mentioned. I don't think it was possible for there to have been a child born that was half human and half God. Also the Bible talks about the relationship Jesus had with Mary Magdalene and makes it quite clear that he was not tempted by her but 'healed' her of her immoral ways! Hope this is only my thoughts on the subject and I may be wrong!! Ju
The Bible is often quite vague and open to interpretation. There is a theory - which I think is a viable one - that the wedding at Canaa was actually Jesus's own wedding. I am not any sort of biblical scholar or theologian, but I think it's quite likely to be true.
First of all, there is proof that there was a Jesus. Second of all, the reason there is no mention of any of this stuff in the Scriptures is because the Bible has been rewritten so many times, by individuals who had their own editing tactics and their own agenda. Actually in the Dead Sea Scrolls there is mention of Jesus having a wife and (I think) kids. Unfortunately emperor Constantine (I may have this wrong, bits of info from the theology class have faded) decided he didn't want certain things to be known in order to present Jesus as less of a common man and more of a god. There is also some speculation based on the readings that perhaps his wife was even Mary Magdeline herself!! Now, where those dead sea scrolls are I can't tell you. I certainly couldn't find them in our local library.
I just read my last post and realised how uppity I sound. So sorry, I wasn't trying to sound so arrogant.
Just curious - where would we find this proof that Jesus existed?
Add me to that one - proof that Jesus existed - I may have to call the nationals - answers coming soon......
Even as an athiest I have never had any reason to doubt the existance of Jesus. 2000 is not such a long time ago - there are records to show that the notable people of the time existed, including Jesus.
The word taken to mean 'virgin' in Aramaic is said by many scholars to translate to 'maiden'. In English, a 'maiden' meant a woman who wasn't married, and therefore, would be assumed to be a virgin, but the word merely means an unmarried woman; the whole idea that Mary was a virgin is down to mistranslation and imposing your own culture on to someone else's. And, of course, she didn't exist.

The idea that only information that appears in the scriptures can be used to prove Jesus' marital status is ridiculous, since the early catholic church simply removed those writings which undermined its power base. The scriptures are therefore what is left after man has b*ggered about with it. And, of course, he didn't exist.
I seem to remember that Pliny wrote about Jesus or Christians in the first century AD (in Latin). Or weigh up the historical arguments here:
I want to stick my oar in too: I'd like to get on the 'please could you let us know where the proof is that Jesus existed' bandwagon, and also say to boognish76: surely if you're an atheist you deny the existence of Jesus? Isn't that the whole point?
I'm sure many guys by the name of Jesus existed at the time. Anything else is open to interpretation. I recommend reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown to learn about other theories that are out there about Jesus and Mary Magdalene and the motives of the current church.
No, georgit79, the point of atheism is that you do not believe in the existance of a God. Jesus wasn't a God - he was just a person. I obviously don't believe that he was the son of God, and all the stuff about bread and fishes and coming back from the dead - those are just legends that have sprung up around him. I believe he was one of many evangelists around at that time, albeit a particularly successful and charismatic one. I also believe that Mohammed and Buddha existed - that doesn't make me a Muslim or a Buddhist.
There are some sources outwith the Bible that talk about the existence of Jesus - including Pliny, Tacitus, and Josephus (who wrote the antiquities of the Jews). These men were not Christians, but they talk about this man called Jesus who was going about doing good things etc and that his followers were called Christians. Jesus is also mentioned in the Koran and is regarded as a prophet. As for the dead sea scrolls, as far as I am aware, and from what I studied of them when I was at university, I am not aware that there is any reference to Jesus being married there. Of course, something may have come to light in the Dead Sea Scrolls since my time as a student. In the film "The Last Temptations of Christ" (great film) the scenario is given of Jesus being married (a-what-if, sort of thing). Many people have speculated about this for years but there has been nothing conclusive. The Da Vinci Code is a fictional work based on a lot of theories that have being going about for a long time. Still no conclusive evidence....maybe, one day :)
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Thank you very much people, and I just read the Da Vinci code and it goes on about how the story of Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene is one that has been passed on through the templar Knights and masons. I know the work is fictional but I just wanted to see how many people have heard the theory. Particular thanks to Yinzer I don't know if you have read the book but there is evidence to suggest that Mary Magdalene was portrayed as a prostitute in order to soil her reputation and to lower the role of women, it is believed that she was to carry on the teachings of Jesus of on not Peter and the other disciples as the bible (which has be re-written countless times) suggests. Apparently the Family of Magdalene are the direct descendants of Solomon, Royalty, so why would she be a prostitute? It�s an enormously interesting subject I just don't know where to begin researching it.
2nosey, I'm just taking a wee look back here. You make the point that Mary Magdalene was portrayed as a prostitute but this is inaccurate. This claim has often been made in books. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute.

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