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AWaiting charge for ABH

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mdueet | 15:21 Wed 07th Jan 2009 | Criminal
26 Answers
I recently was arrested for assaulting a woman police officer. I dont remember doing it, punched once in the face knocked them to the ground. Injuries were two front teeth knocked out and a split bottom and top lip.

It is on cctv and there are a number of statements. Officer is likely to need thousands of pounds worth of dental surgery for 2 implants. What should i expect in terms of punishment? Will it go to crown or would i get away with community sentence and a fine?


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It's my guess you will need to pack your toothbrush and be prepared for a spell away from home.
I agree.
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if it were a woman, she was probly being mouthy, and deserved it.....


whats the difference between ABH and GBH? i actually dont know
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is thats the actual in the bible?
You say a woman police officer - then you say you knocked 'them' to the ground.

Was it two, or were you drunk & seeing double?
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Bad grammer on my part it was one female officer, she was not dealing with me at the time did not speak to me or or touch me after i was ejected from the club
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so you just walked up to her and punched her?

expect the worst.
Are you pleading guilty?
id say i tripped and fell and clinched my fists and accidentially hit her....
Fraid to say that I think you'll be punished harshly.

ABH is bad enough but never lay a hand on a copper. Especially if they are female.

What sex are you?
The magistrate(s) will decide whether or not they will try the case if you plead not guilty. They might decide to send the case for trial at the Crown Court. If they decide to hear the case then you can opt for a trial at the Crown Court.

If the magistrates hear the case and find you guilty they can either sentence you, or they can send the case to the Crown Court for sentencing if they don't think their powers to sentence you are great enough.

If you plead guilty you get no say in the decision as to where the case will be heard.
Your best bet is to plead guilty, be very contrite, apologise and offer to pay (some) restitution to the victim.

Doing that may well save you from a few extra months inside.
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I dont remember it all as I had been drinking, but based on the cctv footage which is pretty clear i had to accept it was me. Im on bail for detailed dental reports. CCTV shows me come out the door i grab officers arm who is just stood near door of the club and punch her in the face causing her to fall to ground she gets up blood everywhere and doorstaff restrain me till im arrested.

I was removed from club as i had already been knocked back by doormen a number of times that night.

Im a male, early 20's only one previous not for a violence related incident. Im not proud of my actions and am writing a letter of apology to the officer
I would presume it'll go to crown. You hit someone who's job it is to protect us from people like you.

I'm not knocking you. Things like this happen but.......what if you hit a pregnant woman, a single parent who had to go home to her kids with no teeth etc etc
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Is there any chance that based on the dental reports it could be pushed up to GBH?
The case WILL go to crown court and WILL more than likely be tried as GBH if not GBH with intent.

You, if found guilty will be looking at around an 18-24 month sentence on GBH and 3+ years on GBH with intent.

You should plead guilty to reduce your sentence and play on remorse as you WILL be found guilty.

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AWaiting charge for ABH

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