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men liking young girls or at least the young girl LOOK...

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joko | 19:07 Wed 18th Feb 2009 | Body & Soul
61 Answers
i have been talking to a number of male friends lately, an a number of them have expressed a liking for 12-14 year old girls...

they also prefer their girlfriends to be pubicly shaved

and also love the idea of school uniforms

all were quite clear in stating they wouldnt dream of actually doin anything with an underage girl - they just like the look of them

and to be clear it is not prepubescent girls...its young 'women'

is this common? i knew some liked it...but had no idea how common it was...

is this due to how things were for them when they first discovered girls perhaps...?
ie, their first crushes, their first girlfriend, their first even thoughts of girls perhaps...and its a kind of almost nostalgia...?.

id be interested in genuine answers from men please.

(please no 'paedophile' aware of this aspect already...i want genuine thoughts, whether 'wrong or right')




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Men generally like youth and these days, 12 year old girls often look much older, so it's probably not a case of them being into children, just that they like young, sexy looking females.

As for shaved pubes, well I blame porn for that as most porn stars are shaved and it seems to be the fashion.

School uniforms, thats another male fantasy, but probably veers towards a sexier, unrealistic look of mini skirt, blouse open exposing cleavage, stocking tops showing and black patent stiletoes. Your average school uniform is not like that and probably not sexy to most men.

Men are just very predictable and most like the same things and have the same boring old fantasies. Simple creatures.
Just two minor things to say.

First, the schoolgirl look on women. This could, in some cases anyway, be down to tthe original St Trinian's films, if anyone remembers them that is. I can't say it floats my boat, but I did spend a while at a girl's school in the dim and distant past, and those girls certainly did not look lie or behave like the St. Trinian's girls !

Second, the finding young girls attractive. We live in an age where girls are, to some extent, encouraged by advertising, films and TV to wear the latest fashions and to put on warpaint in order to make themselves look as attractive as possible. This, coupled with ways of behaviour copied from some of the TV programmes they like to watch, can make young girls appear to be somewhat older than they actually are.

So based on looks alone, I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that some of the young women I've seen around and thought of as attractive are in fact underage. That doesn't mean I find them sexually attractive (I prefer women closer to my age), just that I think they look good.

I'm sure there are some people who will conflate those notions to conclude that any man saying a girl of 12 - 14 looks attractive means that they'd like to get them into bed, but that's in their heads and probably says more about them, and perhaps society in general, than it does about the men they apply such thoughts to.
joko--- you say you are female---you are letting females down badly by even raising this topic , never mind having
a matey interest

All you are doing is pontificating about an issue , which for you is stimulating , but which in reality is quite perverted and worryingfor other people.
I think it is not joko , but joke.!!!!
I do have some concerns about your own your own part in these matey conversations at whatever venue ,and quite frankly I am somewhat amazed at your naive quest for the views of other people.

Are these men friends of yours winding you up perhaps , or are you conducting some kind of scientific , empirical research into how some men view children?
for older men to be interseted in 12 -14 year olds is wrong even whilst they know the law. To think of young girls ina way of sexual gratification is paedophilia
Question Author
brenda - get a grip - what the hell are you dribbling on about?

so because its a sensitive subject i'mm not supposed to even talk about it?
how do you equate asking a question with letting down woman-kind?
it is naive to seek others opinions now is it?
not being a man i would not dream of attempting to speak for all men... so i asked... you may want to try that yourself instead of presuming you know it all already.

surely trying to find out where this sort of thing comes from & why, is better than burying your head in the sand & pretending it doesn't exist!

this is answerbank, by the way...not -
i can, and will, ask any question i like - i do not care one bit if it offends your delicate little mind... if you don't like the question, don't answer it...who do you think you are to tell me what i should and shouldn't wonder about?
i wasn't aware every question had to be 'socially acceptable' and 'nice'

you can try to imply there is some perverted reason for me asking this question all you like.. i could not care less.. that is your own narrow-mindedness..and therefore your own problem, not mine.

i like to actually LEARN things, rather than just decide i know things already...again you may want to try that yourself

clearly for you 'anyhting goes' as long as its behind closed doors 'eh?
and the big 'crime' here is just that - shock- horror - we had a conversation about it!

it happens and is a fact - its you that is naive to think that by not talking about it somehow makes it any less real or serious

yes, i could have been outraged at them, shouted at them, insulted them ...but really what would have been the the point?
do you really think it would have changed anything?
would their feelings have changed?
do you really think that they need me to tell
Question Author
by the way brenda your opinion or 'concerns' (haha) about me are not required, relevant or even interesting....and frankly somewhat laughable...

i've heard some knee-jerk drivel on this site before, but do try to actually read the question and responses and comprehend the point before jumping in... better still go and bother someone else...
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just a thought ....but its perfectly normal for a 15 year old boy to find a 15 year old girl attractive...he fancies her because she has boobs, curves, legs, makeup etc...but as soon as he turns 16, technically he shouldnt anymore, and is suddenly a paedophile...
Like women, men can decide whether a girl or a woman is pretty. But not sexually attractive. Quite frankly I find even young women in their 20s boring, but nice to look at.
Good to see you making a contribution to your own --www.spoutoff-etc.

What was the original post about?????
-- answer removed --
A lot of young men I know are genuinely worried about finding young girls sexually attractive (not pre pubescent girls). They are afraid to admit it in case they are labelled as paedeophiles. Whilst parents allow their 12-15 year olds to go out on the street looking like 18 year olds this will remain a problem for boys and men.

None of the men I know would dream of having any sort of relationship with a child of under 16.

Age has very little to do with whom men find physically attractive. These days a 14 year old can be as attractive as
a 25 year old and let's face it younger ladies with young attractive figures and faces are usually more attractive to men than us oldies. :o(

If men say they fancy pre-pubescent young girls that is a totally different matter.

I find your question quite acceptable joko. It is not letting me down at all.
Great post Joko, I am finding the answers very interesting.

A fantastic, (and deserving) verbal 'slap' you gave Brenda, who I thought was talking complete and utter bollox.

Couple of quick points:

It is perfectly legal for a man to marry (and have sex with) a 13 year old girl in Spain. Does Brenda think that all Spanish peopel are perverts?

As has been alluded to earlier, women are physically (though not necessarily mentally) ready for breeding as soon as they have had their first period. It is purely down to current society that makes the age of consent 16. Other societies have different restrictions.

This country is awash with people though who claim paedophile (like Brenda) during rational debates. Sadly this has caused a lot of damage to our society - just look at the number of male infant school teachers, scout leaders etc. We have become so anal about the sexualisation of children that if a lot of men if they saw a little girl crying on the side of the street would walk past her rather than sit down next to her and talk to her to find out what is wrong.
I go into town at the weekend and see loads of young ladies out shopping with their friend(s). They are wearing make up and and wearing trendy clothes that are usually not 'sensible clothing'.

How old are they? I am female and I wouldn't be able to guess at their age - they act grown up so they could be any age.

I would say that most men know the difference between lusing after a young woman and actually doing something about his feelings.

Same with old women lusting after young men Wolf. Chance'd be a fine thing!!! :o)
Nice to see so many knees jerking well around here.
Whatever we like to think about the society we have created, nature doesn't give a rat's a7se about it, and has therefore made girls of breeding age sexually alluring to men. So your average 14 year old will be just as attractive as your average 18 year old.
I personally wouldn't dream of having sex with a girl under 16, not just because it's against the law but because I think from my own perspective that a girl that age should really finding herself emotionally, physically and mentally before she has to deal with the possibly huge rammifications that being involved with a man brings.
However I did once go out with a girl of 17 whilst in my 30's, because she was very special indeed, being far more emotionally mature than many women twice her age. It took me a long time to make the decision to do so, as, since she was so young, I thought I might be branded as having 'dubious tastes'. Sure enough there were the odd people who did express that opinion, usually shortly before she put them in their place, but there is a world of difference between a man finding a girl in her mid teens attractive and paedophilia, not the least being his decision not to act on his instincts. That and that alone is what marks us apart from animals.
Very thought provoking question joko, and all the more interesting because I bet there isn't one of us answering this question who doesn't have an ancestor who was below today's age of consent at marriage. So does that make all our great grandad's perverts then?Or do we just accept that society changes it's values from time to time, but nature most certianly does not.
I like MILFS
"It's every designers dream to dress a woman up as jail bait" Stella McCartney.
There's nothing new in the school girl fetish, take "The Belles Of St Trinnians".
Psychologically (apparently) there is a difference between a paedophile and someone who's attracted to teenagers there is a word for it but I don't know what it is.
Jonathan King descibed himself as a "teenophile" apparently.
Erroll Flynn got into trouble for underage sex I believe.
The Nazis had lots of reports about the permissiveness and promiscuity of 14 year olds during the Weimar republic, they blamed it on jazz music.
I would be concerned about colleagues with such interests but I'm not too sure of the context that it was stated.
It has been said earlier (and I concur) regardless of the circumstances one of you is an adult and should behave like one.
Although you would have to view with sympathy somebody who met an underage girl in a night club (like Flynn) if they can convince the door staff and the bar staff, why should you doubt them?
Oh sorry I meant to add (with regard to the cultural aspect of the question) that in Iran it is legal for a girl to be married at aged 9, they can even be married for a fixed period (2 months, 3 months a year etc) they're called sighes (I don't know if I've spelt that right).
Within Islam a child can be married at any age but the imam may specify that no intercourse takes place.
I don't agree with these practices.
If you want to know more about Iranian attitudes to sex you should watch "Divorce Iranian Style" and a programme about a girl's home (can't remember the name, sorry) both Channel 4 also "Prostitution Behind The Veil" by the B.B.C.
In Iran runaway girls are inspected to see if they're still virgins by the police against corruption and vice (something like that) a rather invasive and seemingly compulsory examination, a lot of girls runaway to avoid marriage in Iran apparently.
The same is true of Saudi arabia I understand, they go to Dubai were they tend to work as prostitutes.
lowest age of consent in europe is the vatican city !!

you cannot get married at 13 in spain

The age of consent in Spain is 13, as specified by the Spanish Penal Code, Article 181(2). However, if deceit is used in gaining the consent of a minor under 16 years an individual can be charged under Article 183(1) upon parental complaint.

All this aside finding children under 16 sexually attractive is not normal and certainly not 12 year olds .

Feel free to disagree.
It wont suddenly make me find 12 year olds sexually attractive .

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