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Mammogram Result

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Drisgirl | 13:17 Sat 21st Feb 2009 | Body & Soul
19 Answers
I had my mammogram just over a week ago and I have been called into hospital for further tests this Thursday.

I am naturally quite shaken.

Has anyone else been called back for further tests?

What happens?

I cant contact anyone as of course its Saturday and the NHS doesnt operate on a Saturday..


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Ridiculous to tell you not to worry Drisgirl but they play safe with anything 'not quite right' on the mammogram pic.

It could be that there is something like 'microcalcification' showing which does not always require any action, just keeping an eye on. However they will prob. do an ultrasound and possibly a needle biopsy just to check.

I could write a book about this and other's experiences !
Question Author
Thanks yogasun -I have googled and that has made me feel worse.

It is very worrying, and comforting, I daresay that they move so swiftly -but its how swift they have moved that has got me terrified.
Hi Dris,
might be like smear tests Dris, test could be inconclusive & they need to do a second? May be it wasn't a good pic? xxx
They do move swiftly these days because they need to be seen to respond quickly not least of all for reasons of being monitored on performance, etc.
Lots of women in our area have been recalled due to mammogram results and that was a swift recall even though some just had harmless cysts, etc.
Try not to worry, easier said than done x
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Thanks both -I guess its now outwith my hands now .

Daresay i'll feel a bit less panicstricken in a few hours x
Yes dris i was called back as they said was microcalcifications they did another mammogram and then a needle biopsy (local anaesthetic) and as they still werent sure wanted to do a mammotome, but when i returned for that they did a mammogram to check exactly where to go in, and the calcifications had disappeared, seems this can happen.
Equally could be your result was not totally clear, any number of nonurgent reasons really, they are very keen to get these right.

good luck
Mamya x
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Thanks Mamya.xx

I feel a tad less stressed now -I think its always better to get info from people who have actually experienced whats going to happen to me rather than google (still wish i blooming hadnt!)

It really helps no end , as the minute I saw the letter I just knew what it was and before I knew it -that was it -I didnt see that it could be any number of things..

Just have to bite the bullet -there are loads and loads more who have had a far worse shock than me this morning so have to get things into perspective.

Thank you all xxx
Oh yes i googled like mad and even bought new PJs as was convinced was going in and under the knife, we all scare ourselves and as you say whatever the reason for recall is in their hands now. But ask ask ask all the questions you want to, they are there to answer them.

One good thing Dris, 80% of breast lumps turn out to be benign ( mine didn't unfortunately) Good luck on Thursday.
Gelda xx
You're bound to be worried Drisgirl. I went into a state of panic when I found a lump which a mammogram showed up a fibroadenoma,a benign mass of gristle. If you read my post a few posts down and the link to listen to hopefully it will allay your fears.
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Gelda -bless hun for replying -I do hope you are keeping OK -brave lady xxxx

china dog -thanks for the link - strange thing is I am in this mad zone thats telling me that on Thursday I will know my fate-they dont let you out until they have given you the diagnosis -it may take all day I have been told by the NHS, but I suppose better that than tormenting youurself for another few days.

I am trying to be upbeat but its a front -no point in sugar coating it is there?
Dris yes what will be will be and if heaven forbid it is anything it will have been caught early better that way, and you were so worried before you went so is no surprise you are shocked. You really are in good hands and we are all rooting for you.
Mamya x

PS Gelda you are an inspiration
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Thanks Mamya -youre right I was worried about the results beforehand -just have to suck it and see as they say xxx

I agree Gelda is an inspiration ((()))x
Hey girls, I'm 51 and I haven't been called for a mammogram. Is it something you get called for, or should I ask for one?

Gelda, I'm so very sorry to hear about your bad news, and Dris, I hope everything's okay for you and the authorities are just being extra cautious.
best of luck for the results, I hope all is well.. most of us have been up for health scares at some stage, the joys of being a woman x
yes indeed im a real scaredy type and had pre cancerous cells (cervix) removed in what then was a quite vicious op and that was 30 years ago, so nil desperandum, onward and up ward.

Mamya x
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Thanks everyone -on hecklepins-can you believe I cant wait until Thursday now !!

Mrs Chappie -we get a mammogram as a matter of course once we reach 50 in Scotland along with Bowel Screening.I have posted on this subject and I personally think it should be available to everyone regardless of where you live.Hound your GP and your MP xx
Thanks Dris. Best of luck for the results. x
best of luck, and for anyone who is interested you should be called between the ages of 49(if youre lucky) and 53, it just depends on where your surgerry is on the list!

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