what a strange combination of flavours...!
I'm at Lil's tonight for dinner. But it's her day off so she'll have uncorked the bottle around now, by the time I get there she'll already be half-baked herself. Burnt offerings again.... Unless she's managed to track down a marrow - she went marrow hunting at the weekend. She's no Nigella bless her, or even a Delia -but she does a mean stuffed marrow. I'll get there & she'll probably have stuffed something else entirely.
No alcohol for me tonight (well, perhaps just the one)... driving. Plus the old liver is still protesting after Saturday's binge. The milk thistle capsules have come out again.
Just read on Wikipedia that FS got so fed up with the story about the hamster, that when people asked if it were true he'd say "give me a quid & I'll tell you..." They gave him his �1, he said "NO", then walked away. He made quite a few bob apparently.