This isn't meant to be horrible or cause offence or anything, but why was Christopher Reeve bald after his accident - it's puzzling me. Was it as a result of the accident or to do with drugs/treatment he was given?
He was certainly loosing his hair during his 'Superman' days - you could see a bald patch when he was in 'civvie' photographs. Maybe he decided it was easier to shave it all off, although he did look like his baldness was alopecia-related - it looks different than when the head is simply shaved.
I agree that his balness did look like alopecia, he also didn't have any eyebrows which was apparent in that documentary about him. I didn't realise you could alopecia coukd suddenly affect you like that, although i agree that maybe the trauma of the accident made it wworse. i though it was something you always had, and i hadn't noticed the bald spot in superman, always thought he looked like he had a healthy head of hair! Thanks though,