sorry to bring up this old chesnut but i am of a certain age and keep getting hot flushes. i dont want hrt or other prescription medicines. does anyone know an off the shelf remedy, i've heard feverfew works well.
I am of that certain age too, nobbynoo ! I take Osteocare Tablets for my bones, they contain calcium, magnesium, boron etc etc - but I find that even though I still have hot flushes, I seem to cope with them a lot better. I put it down to the 300mg magnesium which is well known to help nerves. It may just be a coincidence, but everyone I have recommended them to, has had the same success.
Aren't soya products recommended for this? apparently Asian women don't suffer with hot flushes.
By the way, did the flushes start after your periods stopped or before? This is my question!
I have been taking Sage drops and they have really made a difference.They are made by Vogel and are available at most health food shops, i put about 20 drops in an inch of water.Good luck, i know what you're going through especially in this heat.