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My Wife Thinks I'm Nuts

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ezapf | 22:01 Sat 20th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
17 Answers

Does anyone else do this? In the evening when I settle in for an hour or so of television, I like the house to be very quiet and I turn the television volume down so that I can just hear it. Its as if my ears need a rest. Oh, and the lights need to be dim - as if my eyes need a rest. I'm not alone, right? Right?



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I also prefer low volume and dimmed lights in the evening.

Are you aware watching television with a dim light or in the dark in the long run can damge your eyesight?
it can ****** you right up, i used to be like that, now i can hardly see a thing, optician reckoned that was the cause!!!
Strangely, I had just finished reading an answer to a similar question in Focus magazine. The response was that dim lighting when reading etc was only harmful if you were not fully grown and it does not damage your eyes as an adult.
I'm a niosy listener

My husband does this, especially with the sound.  It's really great watching the television when I can hardly hear it!!!  I end up leaving the room and going on the computer.  Hence, this is why I am here posting this answer! 


Also, I love to listen to music that's really loud so it takes all my senses over and along he comes and turns it right down, grrrrr.  He also has the radio on in the car so you can't hear it.  Men!

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Yes, Fakeplastic, the car radio should only be loud enough to distinguish what song is on. If it is a good song, the volume may get turned up a slight bit.
Yes you are alone.  Nobody else in the world does it.  When I am watching TV, I have the lights on and the TV at a reasonable volume.  This fact alone, combined with the fact that I am normal, proves that everybody else also does the same thing, and that by doing it differently you are therefore mad.
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Huh, so my wife is right, Bernardo. I never even considered that as a remote possibility.

The best way to get my husband out the house is to turn my Led Zeppelin albums up really, really loud.


When he is in my car, I put on a CD with the base full on and the volume up really high just to get my own back.  He, he. 

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FakePlastic, you are crazy! That's exactly what my husband does in the car. Not Led Zepplin though, he prefers torturing me with Wu-Tang Clan and The Roots.

Ezpaf, will you marry me?
There's just something... extremely irritating about sounds that are too loud. We are just conserving our senses. My husband is practically deaf at 28!
Oh, about those lights, I'm actually starting to get used to having all the lights on at once.

My wife is just like ezapf - she likes things to be very quiet all the time.  Whereas I can't bear quiet for more than a few moments.  I'm a like Fakeplastic - if I want a bit of 'peace' I usually stick AC/DC or Maiden on.  Soon get the house to myself...

The interesting thing is, no matter how quiet it is in the house my wife never seems to hear anything I say!


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I'm exactly the same. It really does my head in when the telly's too loud and I have to have my 'soft-tone' lamps on. It's a totally different story with music. I love lying in a pitch black room with my earphones on, very loudly. Esp. Pink Floyd, Led Zep.....!
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I thanked everyone for the answers but my thanks was banned. Thanks all. That is all, as not to be banned again.

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My Wife Thinks I'm Nuts

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