If he were nice enough, I wouldn't let it put me off - but, I would certainly persuade him to ditch the bag. Especially in front of my friends !! They would p.t.s.l.
Well actually probably not. But then I have forgotten what dating is all about!!! However, thinking about Mr LL and a manbag just makes me laugh. If he ever has to hold my bag for a while he just looks so embarrassed - sort of holds it at arms length pretending it's not there.
My BF often offers to hold my handbag.
But then, he is strange.
I have harboured suspicious thoughts on the odd occasion.... But then, he did live in Paris for 4 years, so he's used to seeing 'men' with bags.
I can just imagine crafty as a Hell's Angel's moll.
I went out with one once - soft as ... well, softhearted. Long blonde hair, rode a Triumph, name of Martin. Trouble was, he was a haemophiliac - so all the accidents & falls he had didn;t really help his problem. His mother lived in constant worry (so did mine when she took a look at him once...)
Well thanks all. Craft, I wouldn't be seen dead with one myself but there are a few guys where I work, I don't think they're bandits but hey I dunno. I read on here somewhere that British men are too inhibited for this sort of thing so is it common on the continent? Sorry Craft, can't stand the smell of smokers and the roll up mob are the worst