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Not getting drunk at the Christmas party...

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lilmonkey | 17:34 Wed 25th Nov 2009 | Body & Soul
48 Answers
I only ever like to have one or two alcoholic drinks as it affects me easily because I'm quite skinny. (I'm literally a lightweight!) Most of my work colleagues go overboard with strong cocktails and shots etc, and expect me to do the same.

What's the best way of saying no without offending anyone or starting a rumour that I'm pregnant or in AA? Or even worse, that I'm saying my boss can drink lots because she's fat! (I'm sure that's not good for career progression!)


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sorry mean not mine, that annoyed causing typos
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Don't be so silly, I don't think that lilmonkey meant anything derogatory in her question, I think some untwisting of knickers is needed. And I'm not a skinny bird either.
Look lil.......get ratted, verbally abuse the boss about her weight, shag the greasy bloke from accounts.......then look for a new job........:-)
followed by all the women rushing to the toilet in tears and the men standing around looking like plums with bemused wonderment at what just happened.

oh, how i look forward to our party........
right i've untwisted my knickers, now what .. ?
i'm not a fat bird
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Don't you feel better without the wedgie though?
thanks lucy :)
i agree with lilmonkey fat people drink like Fluff
ooh, hark at lemonade lucy !

it wasn't an unpleasant sensation really china, everything just feels a bit less supported now. i may totally need a large drink of tee.
I've found, as I've grown further and further away from my 20s, that if you say you're not drinking - for whatever reason - others tend to accept it. Either that or they're very immature/stupid.

If you need an excuse, just tell them you're driving, or allergic to alcohol, or just that you don't like it very much - no shame in that

EIther that or quell the rumours before they start and tell them you're a recovering alcoholic and that's why you don't drink.
i find down the rugby club that if i say i'm not drinking i usually end up with a coke with a slice of lime, that i drink. then i wake up in the morning with a sore bum.

those boys, such kidders.
Is it just me, or was lilmonkey looking for ways to politely decline drinks without causing offence, i.e. by making a comment that she believes that her non-capacity for alcohol may be linked to her slight figure.............which may be inferred by 'others' as an insult to their drinks/weight ratio ?
possibly jack, but that isnt polite or accurate, she would be better off saying she was allergic/on antibiotics or something else.
she could say 'i don't want to drink because it makes you fat'
maybe, but my mate fat baz can drink the same amount as 5 blokes and still walk a straight line.

it really should be a simple, "i want to take it slowly to enjoy the night and not get too drunk", without any made up excuses. if they don;t respect or acknowledge that - and in my experience most people do - then i wouldn;t be drinking with them anyway
People who won't take no for an answer aren't generally polite, either, Cazzz.
I'm not saying lilmonkey ought to use that as an excuse, but even her post was misunderstood..........and that is the problem when you are forced to come up with an explanation rather then having your polite refusal accepted by your 'friends'.
If you know you are going to go out for a couple of drinks then drink a lot of water just before you go out. This will help you feel less thirsty (so you won't be tempted to down them), but also encourage your body to need a wee more often and thus get rid of the alcohol more quickly. This works for me but I'm a 90kg 6ft bloke!!!
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Not getting drunk at the Christmas party...

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