I only ever like to have one or two alcoholic drinks as it affects me easily because I'm quite skinny. (I'm literally a lightweight!) Most of my work colleagues go overboard with strong cocktails and shots etc, and expect me to do the same.
What's the best way of saying no without offending anyone or starting a rumour that I'm pregnant or in AA? Or even worse, that I'm saying my boss can drink lots because she's fat! (I'm sure that's not good for career progression!)
It has always annoyed me when people try and force you to have an alcoholic drink - just say I just feel like a coke or something soft - if you offend them that is really their problem.
No shame in NOT drinking you know. Some guys at work think getting bladdered makes the weekend. Not my idea of fun at all and I don't care who knows it. I don't need to drink to feel better about myself.