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What dance can I take up

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saxy_jag | 18:36 Fri 04th Dec 2009 | Health & Fitness
10 Answers
I'm forty-nineteen, overweight and unfit, so I've decided to start taking some exercise in the new year. Thing is, I'm not sure what to try. I find gym training boring and I'm not really into all this business of prancing around with a lot of self-obsessed forty-somethings in something like a step class.

I really like dance, although I'm not exactly built to be a dancer. I wondered if there's any form I could take up that doesn't cost too much and at which I won't look an absolute prat. Any ideas?


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Ballroom and Latin ? It would help to have a partner for that though or you could wind up with a lady partner. I know there is a company which runs classes/social evenings in London who bring in people who can already dance as partners for those who don't have them.
Salsa ?
Ceroc ?
Zumba ? That's a mix of Latin and International music and I don't think the classes are very expensive - one I've seen advertised in this area is £5 per session ( is where you can look for classes in your area)

If expense is the main consideration, have a look to see what classes are on offer at your nearest YMCA. I know ours includes Ballroom and Latin classes in their list
I think that you should start regular walking and over a period of time you will get fitter and stronger, but if you are thinking about dancing I do believe you would benefit from some type of aerobic exercise just to get your bodies circulation going.
I can recommend Line Dancing if you like country and western music. You can find a club near you and really have a good time,lose wieght , and meet some really nice people, also it`s not expensive. You can join them at other venues all over the country and meet some top stars.
try belly dancing is for people of all shapes, sizes and ages and is really fun!
I do body combat and body pump classes Saxy and see to be getting some decent results... Absolutely no prancing allowed and great fun :c)
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Thanks for all your answers, folks.

Not sure whether I could my bloke to do ballroom, Huderon, and I don't fancy dancing with another woman, although I may be able to talk him into some tango.

zbearspirit - I do already walk. I have a dog who needs out on the field a couple of times a day. I don't really fancy class-based aerobics.

Line dancing would be fun - even more so because I think it's just about the most ridiculous form of dance I can think of. It would certainly be entertaining.

Tried belly dancing once - didn't enjoy it.

Body combat/body pump? Thanks Her Highness, China, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, Doll, but it would be up there with aerobics and step - just not me.

It's either going to be line dancing or, as has been suggested elsewhere, tap.
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I don't know what happened to my last post, but I certainly didn't write that rubbish around your name, China Dol. Looks like some pillock's been trying to have a little fun with my account.
belly danceing
Argentine tango takes time to learn, even if the man can already dance ! But when you are watching good dancers, it is brilliant.

Line dancing ... did you ever watch Saturday Night Fever ? The director sent Travolta to line dancing classes before any of the disco sequences were filmed, and there are some line dancing people who would argue that disco came out of line dancing, so perhaps it's not as silly as you might think :-)
It's just the Ed & co having fun with my name Saxy not you. Good luck finding an exercise to suit :c)

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