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What the hellllllll is Blue waffles disease???

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Sunshine666 | 22:56 Wed 03rd Mar 2010 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Can someone help me out here???


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Answered accurately here:

but rather more colourfully here:

Oh dear :-(
Question Author
Gosh that sounds terrible! i just read a comment about it and was confused as to what it was. Can anyone google me a pic? i deffo dont want that crap staying on my history as i share this computer and people may get the idea that i either (i)have it or (ii) like to look at it..... neither are true, i assure you!!! hahaha
Of course you want to see a picture..............I'm sure neither of the two links provided really 'does it' for you..................
Ewww, that's horrid! Blergh!

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What the hellllllll is Blue waffles disease???

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