u have tried to talk to her....didnt work, why would it, she is upset, sad and over tired with everything and the baby.....maybe help her with the cooking and household chores, seeing as your unemployed, that could be p*ssing her off, that you have a baby and no job to provide for it....she may well have postnatal deppresion or even bipolar, i had pnd, and i was almost like that, but i got help, my hubby got fed up and screamed back at me just like i did to him for several months, and thats when i saw sense, and i got help, along with my hubbys support....i never thought things would get better...but they did, so please dont be down about this and dont lose hope, you are the adult, your baby is stuck in the middle, be the big person and put a stop to her behaviour for yours, hers and the babys sake. she cant control her temper when she loses it, i know...and if she has always been like this, why have a baby with her......