not sure if i have wisdom teeth coming through or not, for the past few days ive had alot of pain in my gums and teeth, ive taken ibufrofen and tried to take paracetamol but this bairley helps....i do have sensitive tteth ...i have dentist next week, also i thought may be an abcess but there is no lumps or swolenness in my gums or teeth it is just pain and alot of it.i feel like i am teething and just was to chew on somthing chewy constantly , which my mum had when she has wisdom teeth coming through/
Then most probably. They usually start coming through at about 17, but to be honest they can come much later than this. They are more trouble than they are worth. Not quite sure why we have to have them, because they often cause problems and don't seem to have any benefits.
i will do just someone said only lasts a week or 2 so hopfully will go soon its just at the moment the pain is only on one side ( my mum did say maybe just on e at the moment she said they dont both have to grow at the same time.) its also waking me up during the nyt wehen the pain is worse at night constantly throbing at night
You will probably find that it settles and you get bouts of it from time to time. My own son has been going through this for years and still nothing has come through! Occasionally his gum splits a bit and you can see a tiny bit of white and then it heals over. Xrays have proved it is wisdom teeth and they are growing sideways, but they don't want to take them out. They seem to leave well alone nowadays unless there are real problems.
dentists do postpone wisdom removal if you need dentists will remove wisdoms (they have anesthetists) with referral from your dentist.
Mine are still coming through and I'm 36. They seem to grow in spurts and for me lasts about 3 or 4 days. Be careful with them once the have broken the gum. They get infected easily and believe me you do not pain like that.
I was told that we have wisdom teeth because our diet needed more chewing years ago than what it does today-its supposed to be an evolution thing that less people are getting them now.They cause soo much bother now,still better to go to a dentist than the local barber!
strange but effective.......biting on ice works and better still get one of the babies teething rings that you can freeze and bite on that, my mum told me to do it when I had the same problem it seems to help them break through the gum a little more quickly. I think Tommy Tippee still do the teething rings