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something stuck in throat?

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lcg | 07:31 Wed 05th May 2010 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
my son has had this feeling before last week and again today. i took him to our local walk in centre last time and they didn't find anything and sent us on our way. this time it feels lower down and more painful - he is 16. any ideas what it may be? x


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Google.......globus hystericus and that should answer your question.
mmm...thanks squad. we are off to the docs in an hour and that was interesting. will let you know how we go. x
If you scratch your gullet with a piece of sharp food, the food passes down, but the gullet swells slightly, feeling as though something is stuck. It does pass off after a day or so.

That said, if it is more painful, then it needs to be investigated - at least they will see the swelling, if that is what is causing his discomfort.
like andy said it could be a scratch, I once as a teenager at the airport waiting for my flight swallowed an ice cube whole and it got stuck I could just about breath but ran and got hot drink to swallow and it passed but it still for hours left like it was still stuck it was horrible I think it caused damage on its way down and left an 'after effect'
he has apparently scraped his throat badly. he always shovels food in like he's not fed! the dr told him to chew more...x

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something stuck in throat?

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