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went rowing and now forearms hurt

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mollykins | 08:13 Mon 31st May 2010 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
How come its my forearms that hurt the most when its the upper arm i moved the most yesterday?


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i am in awe, it must take real concentration,i certainly couldn't do it
I'm not being funny mollykins- you are clearly very bright in many ways and I was wondering if you had been diagnosed with Aspergers ?
This may make some posters on here (including me!) a little more understanding of you.
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No . . . i'm genetically screwed up in many ways but that isn't one of them.
Don't insult people with
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*used* Its still early in the morning.
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jack, everyone has to do a bit of every science, but I'm doing extra so i get a gcse in each one!
How are you genetically screwed up?

Or maybe you should start another thread....
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Do you think they'll let me sit the wrong way round so i have to back water which means using the other muscles more?
I must hand it to you Molly, you have more composure than some adults on here.
How will you do all these exams, if you are sitting with your back to the water and the wrong way round----- am confused.
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I'm talking about rowing not taking exams.
your biceps/back muscles and quads do the actual work in rowing, your forearms ache because they have the very important assistant role of hanging on to the oar. Your forearms are responsible for maintaing the grip so the other muscles can do the main work.
your forearms probably ache most because they probably don't get used that much in day to day living.
Molly, how many windows do you have open on your PC? You google stuff really fast.
"ok molly
was the ore -iron?
if so it would have been heavy--prob solved"

Hilarious Beejay :)
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Woodewn but they are the old school type so are quite ehavy
Hold your arms in front of you at chest level.

Move your hands backwards and forwards in a rowing motion ... 20 times.

Where does it feel warm? In your shoulders !!

The main muscle gropus for rowing are your shoulders and upper back ...

... not your triceps ... not your biceps ... not your forearms.

Now clench your fist really hard.

Where do the muscles tense? ... in your forearms.


Because your forearms pull your hands into a "gripping" position.

So why do your forearms hurt when you row ???

Quite simply ... from the effort of hanging on to the oars with your hands.
Ah, glad to see you're back mollykins.
You missed all the fun about waffy, nix j c, etc this afternoon.
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Ahh thank jj, factor your jsut jealous that you don't get many replies. But fi you look at my questions, many only have one or two answers.
I assume you meant "you're just jealous".
Well, maybe a tiny bit but really I was just curious as to what it was in your questions which generated such interest.

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went rowing and now forearms hurt

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