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nextqueen | 21:38 Sun 13th Jun 2010 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
what do you talk about with your other half? i no longer have a job so cant even talk about that. just what do married couples talk about? we arent as bad as some couples that sit in the pub and say nothing to each other but i dread the day coming!


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All sorts. I do most of the talking though! We do talk about current affairs, both hate football, which is great. Both interested in wildlife and our pets. He would like to talk about aircraft but knows I am just not interested. He just doesn't do gossip about other people. Shame!
well, women have 2,500 words to use up each day, whereas men only have 1,000. so there's a bit of a disparity :)
we have a 'team meeting' every week, usually on a monday morning, to plot out a loose plan for the coming week. neither of us work but he does some voluntary work twice a week. we've been married a zillion years but never run out of things to chat about, i guess it depends on each relationship.
We do not always talk, sometimes we sit in companionable silence, and can usually tell what the other is thinking,
We talk about what we've been doing since we last saw each other ...

Then we take the mickey out of each other's accents, and end up in giggles ...

Then we have a shag.
We do lots of companiable silence too Neti. It's rather nice to be that secure in a relationship (almost 40 years). Mr LL is naturally very quiet and me naturally noisy, but like you we often know what the other one is thinking!! There are lots of conversations too with raised voices!! ;o)
JJ thats shocking !!

Weve been married 37 years and always have things to talk about, news, work, children, bloody mothers in laws. We do have silences yes, but we dont feel uncomfortable about it. We both need our own space so if I start computing my other half will mess in the garden or whatever. We both like to keep busy

pmsl at JJ.
Nice answer babe !!! And nowt wrong with it at all.... ;-)
We both work full time, and usually have a moan to each other about what's going on in the office - good and bad. However, i'm stuck at home at the moment, with a broken ankle, so my work news isn't that much at the moment. Other than that we talk about holidays, football, food and cooking, wine, our friends, jokes, pass comments on other people (me mainly), the family, the house ..... we always have an endless stream of stuff to natter about to each other. Sometimes I get the feeling that he's not listening though. Especially when I ask him a question and he doesn't answer, and Ihave to ask it again ....
As per The Other Half, we are both busy people and have interests of our own as well as common interests. A fair amount of time is spent apart pursuing our own interests. I'm retired, he still works. We don't go to pubs very much and when we do we always have a meal and chat quite a lot over a meal, which is really nice.
LOL chokkie!! I very often get the feeling that Mr LL isn't listening!! Living with someone who incessantly chatters like me must be dreadful. But he is just so quiet. I love it when I get together with friends and we can have a real good old gossip. Men don't usually do gossip as far as I can see!!
LL-Men dont gossip ? !!! You must be joking. Ive found theyre sometimes worse than women. I listen to them at work and talk about backstabbing etc....
Men are worse than women....

It always amazes me what we find to talk about. He phones me every morning and we chat for about 15 mins....nothing has happened since we went to bed. We just chat Sugar.
Mine doesn't gossip at all, neither does my son. What infuriates me is that when I have a juicy piece of gossip to tell Mr LL he often says 'I've known that for ages' other other infuriating like remarks. Why the hell doesn't he tell me then!? ;o).
Mine doesn't do chat on the telephone either. Just uses phone if it is necessary and is almost monosyllabic (sp). As for texts, he wouldn't even dream of it!! ;o(
Mine loves a juicy tale.
I hate being called The Other Half..
Much more acceptable is The Better Half... ;-)
It's easier to type.
You`re quite right. I think I`ll have a name change and my other half wont recognise my posts

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