quincy, paypal haven't "taken your money", you must have instructed them to pay the seller from your paypal account. Your problem is with the seller. Have you checked the seller's reputation (by clicking on their feedback numbers) to see if they have defaulted on a sale before? As muof3angels says, you must report straight away to the ebay resolution centre, it's easily done, they will take this up with the seller, and if the problem isn't resolved, they have the ability to refund your money and to claim it back from the seller. However, there is a time limit, I think it's 60 days, so hopefully you are still within that timescale? however, to be honest, 15 June isn't that long, it's only ten days if the seller sent second class or by parcel post - what is a bit worrying it that the seller's not answering your emails, but they might have gone away for a few days. There is no harm in reporting it though, if you feel worried about non-delivery.