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Thank you rowan witch and all

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Marijn | 12:31 Sun 04th Jul 2010 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
Thank you all, especially rowanwitch for your suggestion about having an Avatar.
My son has done one for me :-)


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very cute pic, though I am not sure if showing your navel is allowed.
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Thanks, I liked it.
And a very nice avater it is too nota
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Thanks. Yours too
Nice avatar, very girly 36....24.... and £3.50 a lb by the look of it..
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Ha ha. Thanks again for your idea rowanwitch
I`vv been trying for over a month and still no avatar even though I get as far as my chosen picture and submitted it, so I don`t try anymore. Just imagine I look like John Barrymore, at least I used to 50 years ago.
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Carlton, it doesn't work immediately. Try again and leave it an hour between tries.
I`ve tried that several times also. I`ve been pressing F5 til my finger hurts as well, and I`ve stopped trying for two weeks and tried again......BAH I say, BAH BAH... and BAH.
Guess you can tell, I`ve had it with avatar. Now I`m off to relax down `t` club.
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carlton, you have to use your genuine email address and your proper username etc. Sorry if I'm telling my grandmother how to suck eggs.

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Thank you rowan witch and all

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