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Healthy Eating

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4getmenot | 09:21 Thu 22nd Jul 2010 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
I've lost half stone now in past 2 weeks through healthy eating and walking. If you just went on diet and didnt exercise how does your body decide where the fat comes of from or is it just all over?


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I believe it is generally all over. But that said, one of life's little jokes as you get older is to remove fat from where you'd prefer it stayed, and leave it where you are keen to remove it. Diet and you look like a ball of wool with the knitting needles stuck out at the 4 corners.
Congratulations x
I think it's different for each person. When I put weight on I put it on all over and tend to lose it the same way regardless of activity.
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I think its coming off my arms, want it off my belly
Lol it would be nice if we could specify...
It seems to depend on body types Oestrogen receptors seem to be involved and many women find it harder to shift weight from hips bum and thighs especially during their fertile years asthat is where fat is laid down for pregnancy and breast feeding... post menopause it tends to be more male pattern abdomen mostly..
But well done Forget ... I've managed 9lbs in just about a week but thats because i've got a lot to lose and it will slow down soon enough
Congrats to Rowan too... My sitting around on my bum the last year has done my weight no good lol

Starting to walk about more now though so hopefully I shall be losing some too.
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I'm now 10stone 11lbs want to get to 10 at least
For some time it tends to come from the last place it was added. However after it has been there a while it is a bit more random.
I have absolutely no idea how much I weigh. I haven't weighed myself since I was a kid.
=( I am tall though, so my excuse it I carry it well lol
I'd settle for anything that gets me into a size 16 I like to be curvy... a 14 would be nicer... Still its often harder when you have less to lose with people telling you you don't need to lose weight...
How tall are you 4get?
But you have the will to do it and we are behind you so to speak!
Shall I start a slimming club thread once a week so we can support one another and the boys know it will be boring girl stuff and leave us alone
Maybe - it would seem a few people are trying.

I have a terrible diet (very fussy eater) so I do myself no favours really. I am hoping once I start working again I shall start to slim down again.
I put on about 9lbs over the winter so decided to cut back on all the rubbish I eat. I stopped eating biscuits at breaktime and stopped having a bag of crisp with lunch. Cut out the crunchie bars and ice cream. Did this for 7 weeks and didnt lose an ounce! I'm now back on all the cr@ppy stuff :o( I do need to lose this weight but have no incentive after those disappointing few weeks
Maizie, perhaps while you were eating all the rubbish stuff through the winter your portion size of normal food crept up too.. it might be that, try the smaller plate trick for a bit,,,
You should never deny yourself completely of the things you like anyway =~)
Hi Rowan, no, my portion size didnt go up at all. I never eat a lot at my main's all the other stuff that I thought had done it, apparently not though! I'm going to start cutting out all the nonsense food from tomorrow and see how I go. Yes, Rowan start a slimming club, I'll join
I'll ask the ed for some advice on best way to proceed...maybe one thread with a sticky for a trial run would be best

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