ive never had a cold sore in my life before but think ive got one. ive been quite run down and tired lately. its on the top inside lip quite near the corner and feels the same on the inside bottom of my lip where they both meet. im not able to get to a chemist and wondered if there was any home remedy i could use please?
It usually feels like you are being stabbed with a hundred little pins and they are usually on the outside. When I get one and havent got any cream in I put neat TCP on it or Tea Tree Oil - they both smell a bit!
how do you get a cold sore? i havent done anything different to normal. the feeling like a blob is inside my lip not on the outside. it feels like its tingling and burning/sore.
Cold sores are viral infections.
You catch the virus by direct contact e.g kissing
If your immune system is compromised either by drugs or undiagnosed disease, then you are a "sitting duck" for contagion.
It should go on its own but if it last for more than 3weeks, then seek medical advice.
If it is painful then take Ibuprofen 600mgs to ease the pain.
I caught mine from kissing someone at a wedding 20yrs ago and now I get at least 2 a year and they're horrible. Make sure you use a separate hand towel and dont share a glass or mug until its gone! Usually take about 5/6 days to clear.
i have had shingles in the past in 2002. Thinking about it i kissed someone goodbye on the lips the other evening, a very old friend i hadnt seen in 18mths, oh my goodness, but they didnt have a cold sore. i also bought some new lipstick, gloss and lip liner from new look yesterday and tried it out. all were definitely sealed as it took me ages to open up each one. what do you think?
it may have been from your friend (they may have had a cold sore coming) but it can lay dormant for a long while before a sore appears, so may be it goes back further than that.
I get that type of cold sore occasionally. It is like a little split where the lips join and is irritating. It never gets big and doesnt last very long. Usually occurs when tired and run down as you said.
I suffer from them and the best thing I have found, better even than Zorivax, is Boots Dual Action Cold Sore Lotion. Its about £2 for a 10ml bottle. Dab it on with a cotton bud a few times a day and it'll be gone in no time. It does sting a bit when you put it on though.
mmmm, it didnt turn into a cold sore after all. maybe it was due to me trying a new lipstick. it was a weird thing though. i dabbed red wine on it, yum, then when i went to bed i put some antibiotic cream on it. i was dreading a big crusty coming! thanks for all your help though, much appreciated abers!