Mirena Coil in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Mirena Coil

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yelenots | 19:41 Fri 30th Jul 2010 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
I had it fitted last Nov and every month I get period pains that last for about 10 days before I start and I feel so bloated & tired - seriously thinking of having it taken out but the fact it was so painful when it was put in I'm trying to put up with it as long as I can in case it hurts just as much! Does anyone else have side effects?
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You might want to go back to the GP for a review, when are you due to go back?
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I've been - she said to just see how it goes!
Hi Yelenots, your IUD should have settled in by now, but if you are still feeling uncomfortable with it, it could be it really isnt suiting you and you should have it removed by your GP, I can assure you that removing it doesnt hurt at all, the painful part is fitting them....please dont put up with the discomfort any longer, its not worth the misery..it doesnt suit all women.
I was exactly like that for around 9 or 10 months after and really regretted it. I considered having it taking out but felt like you did. That was about 2 and a half years ago and now its fantastic. I don;t really have proper periods and no pain or bloating or anything.
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Joannewatson - how long did it take to settle down? Only the period pains are worse now than affer I had it fitted! Thanks
I thought this was supposed to be in motoring until I read it, I thought it was "how do you fit a coil to a Morris Marina" kinda thing!!
is this the non hormonal coil? if it is then it shouldnt give u side effects, when i had mine (non hormonal) my periods were so light, i had no side effects, except i felt i gained weight which in theory shouldnt happen as there are no hormones. Coils come in different sizes, maybe yours is a bit too big, and u need a shorter one fitted. coils list side effects as having heavier more painful periods butb i found the opposite, so see your family planning clinic, not your GP as the clinic will have a full range to suit you
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Phew....its out thank goodness for that!! The pain was due to the fact it had slipped and had nearly come out on its own. Dr asked me if I'd like another put in, not flippin likely, it was a bad experience never to be repeated!

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