I've been feeling sick for a few days. Put it down to taking painkillers on an empty stomach. I was walking home from the park and started puking in the street. Not a good look....
Last time I had the throw-ups I thought it would be sensible to try something like ready-Brek, to line my stomach again. Bad Idea... I'd eaten far too much over-ripe fruit, nothing more sinister, but it was a good (bad) way to lose 5lbs in 2 days....
if you are still trying to be sick then you have not brought up what is making you ill, drink a lot of water, when you bring the water up it should bring up whatever your stomach is rejecting.
vomitting is your body trying to get rid of something, keep drinking fluids, after a few water yaks it should calm down
You poor thing ummmm, my Nan swears by ginger tea and also if you put a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in some warm water and sip it should settle your tummy.