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Swollen Ear Lobe

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honky-tonk | 06:33 Sat 18th Sep 2010 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
My left ear lobe is swollen and underneath the ear i have a large swelling , no pain but obviously i must have some sort of an infection, doctors surgery closed till Monday so was wondering would it be ok till Monday or do i need antibiotics now.


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When did it appear?
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Noticed it late last night
Not necessarily an infection.

No pain and I presume that you feel quite well?

Does the swelling get bigger and smaller when you eat, or does it feel tenser when you eat?

You could have a stone in your Parotid duct (Salivary duct from your Parotid Gland)

No big deal at the moment.
I've got a stone in my salivar gland.
ummmm...if Ginger is out, I will pop round and see if you need some expert attention;-)
lol...he's upstairs making banging noises in the bathroom :-)

Honky...if it is a stone like Sqad thinks it might the only concern I've had about mine is from the dentist. He wanted it removed...
Do you wear earrings? If so, have you changed them for any new ones lately? I once started to wear a cheap pair I got in a christmas cracker and one of my earlobes swelled up and went lumpy and sore. Stopped wearing the earrings and it cleared up pdq. Some sort of allergic reaction, I think.
I've had that happen saxy_jag - but honky, also I got a mozzie bite on my ear lobe once, that swelled and was very uncomfortable.
saxy7boxtops....good points, nut what about the swelling underneath the ear?

Could be an infected lymph node, but honky does not describe any features, pain, redness etc which might indicate an infection.
where is the salivar gland. lol
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Swelling has gone down a little. Seems rather odd that i dont have any pain and feel well in myself. Dont think for one moment that its a insect bite. Thanks for the answers.
I wouldn't take the pee Annie. Not with your grammar.....tut tut.

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Swollen Ear Lobe

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