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Human rights campaigner...

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ummmm | 08:24 Sat 18th Sep 2010 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
On BBC now...

He just said that only 5% of Catholics in the UK believe that contraception is wrong. 11% of Catholics in the UK believe that homosexuality is morally wrong...

Doesn't look like that many are blindly following their faith....


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"Doesn't look like that many are blindly following their faith.... "

From my observation - In all religion no follower is 100% faithful, and they are usually quick to point out what wrong or how unfaithful the other person is. It's like this - do as I say, not as I do.
Reminds me of the Muslim who won £17m on the lottery.
How do they work them figures out did they ask all the Catholics
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I don't know. I suppose they worked them out in a similar way they work out TV viewings...
Well we all trust the BBC don't we
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I don't think the BBC carried out the

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Human rights campaigner...

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