A friend is on Humalog Lispro Insulin and is have trouble keeping his sugar levels steady. One minute the're up next they're down. Any of you out there also having problems with it?
Hubby is on Humalog and is fine although he has to keep a good eye on it, ie regular testing. If your friend is having problems tell him/her to get in touch with their diabetic nurse. Better safe than sorry.
Hi masma, My friend has been to the clinic about it - they don't know why it's happening. His level one day was 8 before he left his flat - then by the time he walked up a very steep hill (about a mile long with twists and turns). Also about a mile and 1/2 on flat round streets to get there. The nurse tested the sugar and it was 16. After that excersise it should have been down not up.
It can be very hit and miss - Mr M is fine with anyother dinner than a roast, for some reason his sugar level is sky high after Sunday lunch. Strange about the exercise though that usually brings it down.
My friend had a bad reaction with animal insulin, he kept on having hypos couldn't control things at all. They are thinking about putting him on "Analog" but it isn't available yet.