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How do I start this??

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ciaraciara | 15:57 Mon 01st Nov 2010 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
I'm at my wit's end with this report I have to do for uni. I just can't seem to start back at it.. every time I try, I just find some way to put it off (even writing this question!) I've done part of it and now I've got to find research which relates to it and write about it... I just feel really listless and I can't seem to find the motivation to do it as I just got back my last report and got a D. Any tips on how to motivate myself to just DO it??? :/


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Take note of the advice about breaking it up, bit at a time etc. Your difficulty is very common - I'm sure everyone with a big project/presentation/dissertation/whatever has experienced it - you distract yourself with cups of tea/developing an interest in hammers or tapioca/anything to put off tackling it. Spend a couple of hours at a time concentrating...
19:45 Mon 01st Nov 2010
go to the library
Sometimes when you can't motivate yourself and it's important, you just have to force yourself to do it.
just do it one step at a time, might be worth thinking about how much of a waste of time and money you putting it off is.

remove your distractions and focus
yes, the library is a good place to knuckle down
Instead of seeing it as a MASSIVE job to do, try breaking it down into stages ie research this, then research that, research something else then write first part up then second etc
you could spend some time (not more than 5 minutes) listing what will happen to you if you don't do it: expulsion, disgrace to the family name, begging in the streets, selling your body to strangers, hooked on crack, dead at 20...

Sorry about the last report; was there anything noted on it about what you did wrong so you could avoid it next time round?
I think maybe I would question whether I was doing the right course and how important it was to future employment etc
Think about what you are typing, try and compartmentalise the seperate parts, then think of what you are good at, then not so good, then the part that needs work.

Why does it need work? Where do you get the knowledge from, where are you friends at? Are any of them good at your bad are godd at thier bad.

Start at something you know you will like.
just remember 'if a jobs worth doing, then it's worth doing well' as for motivation, then it's a job done. (you don't have to do it later or threat about it not being done)
~You should make an appointment with the uni counsellor, as you may need some therapy to reduce anxiety. Displacement activities like you describe indicate intense anxiety, which is difficult to deal with if you dont have help
procrastinators of the world unite ... tomorrow
i agree, try to be somehwere like the library...when at home its too easy to say, oh ill just watch this show, or ill just have another cuppa etc

take all you need, a drink and get down the library

dont use the computers either unless you have to as you will end up surfing
Agree with Chanel5 completely. You need help and to see a uni counsellor. I have seen someone have a near breakdown because they just felt like you and just couldn't get going.
Take note of the advice about breaking it up, bit at a time etc. Your difficulty is very common - I'm sure everyone with a big project/presentation/dissertation/whatever has experienced it - you distract yourself with cups of tea/developing an interest in hammers or tapioca/anything to put off tackling it. Spend a couple of hours at a time concentrating and chopping up your tasks, get dollops of fresh air and you will feel so much better when it starts to take shape. Leave the counsellor ideas, at least at the moment.
I know so much what you mean. When I was writing my dissertation I would do anything to do anything else - the standing joke now it if you want to have a clean toilet, start a degree. Get your headings in, draft your outline, see exactly what needs to be researched and the anticipated outcome. If you break it into small chunks, it's much less difficult to face, then you can tick off each bit as you've drafted it. It's good advice to see what went wrong with the last one, so you don't make the same errors again. Good luck with it!
Set manageable targets with reward rest breaks to refresh eg go sit somewhere different with a cuppa and a treat biscuit or make a nice lunch or cook a nice tea, read a chapter of a nice book, go for a walk. Maybe set a target as an incentive for when you finish such as going to see a film.

Could you get a study group together, being in an environment where there are a few people working away getting things done could spur you on and you could all go out for a coffee or drink after. If you are doing the same assignment you could always trade ideas.

Manageable chunks is also a good plan. Can you break it into sections and do it a section at a time so it doesn't seem so daunting and gives you more of a structure and helps you feel more in control.

You could also go and see your tutor to get some constructive feedback on how you can improve this time. They may also be able to give you some advice on study techniques.
I have been a music writer for nearly thirty years, and I still will do anything rather than getting down to actually writing?

Why? Because it's hard work!

So, I am often in your situation - i have a writing task to do, and i am wasting time not doing it, and while i do that, it hangs around just below my concious mind, affecting everything and making me more and more miserable.

It's a vicious circle, so you have to just break it - and believe me, when yyou do, you will feel a lot better, and euphoric when it's done! Not for nothing did famous writer Dorothy Parker say "I don't like writing, I like having written ..." because that is exactly how it feels.

You will feel that because you have delayed, you are somehow less capable of getting started. This is an illusion. Sit down, take a deep breath, and start. Thinking about starting is worse than starting, so once you get going, you will find yourself able to carry on, finish, and feel wonderful.

I am off to take my own advice and write up my interview with the drummer from Florence And The Machine!
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You have all helped me enormously, thank you all so much, really your advice is just brilliant! I had just hit rock bottom with the whole thing so last night I got horrendously drunk and funnily enough I think it's worked a treat! I feel refreshed now and ready to tackle this.. I took your advice on breaking the monotony, maybe not in the way you intended it to be taken, but it's worked.. thanks a mill :-)

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How do I start this??

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