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Does anyone remember?

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4getmenot | 22:41 Tue 02nd Nov 2010 | Body & Soul
100 Answers
Reading the shampoo post I starting wondering if there was conditioner when I was younger. I dont remember mum washing my hair with it, just shampoo. And I'm sure that the combing of my hair wouldnt have been as painful as I remember? Was it just coz I was a child or was conditioner not about then? (about 25 years ago) I also remember going swimming with the school and I'd forgot my shampoo and gave me some of hers and it was 2 in one. First time I's used conditioner.


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We never used conditioner as kids, I can still feel the tangles getting combed out now! It was usually vosene or head and shoulders shampoo. My mum would sometimes give us a vinegar or lemon juice rinse to make it shine (beer as well if she could get hold of it) . I have two boys, but they always either use a 2 in 1 or I get them to condition their hair depending on how long it is. Youngest's hair goes like a bush when it is longer.
My mum was dead against hair washing as 'you'd catch your death of cold', and a bar of fairy soap - the dark green kitchen soap - was used, occasionally and with lots of cursing as I had long hair. There was a tube of Vitapointe - like ladies brylcreem I suppose - which could be used to stcik my fringe in place. Often I used fairy liquid as shampoo and as bubble bath....But washing hair any more often than once a week was asking for a row as it 'wasn't needed'. I think this was quite a widely-held view at that time, 1960s. I don't ever recall my mum washing her hair - she went to the hairdressers once a week for a shampoo and set, with a helmet-like perm every so often.

When I got to about 11 I used to buy little sachets of shampoo from the chemists, and me and my friends used to try all sorts, but I don't remember regularly buying conditioner until I was older, maybe the early 1970-s. I certainly remember the other girls in my class at school becoming frantic hairwashers in the early 1970s - it was when 'feathered' haircuts came in and I think the hair products industry went through a boom with all the Bowie-inspired cutting and colouring, and then the bubble perms that followed.
I think it must have been the mid seventies when my mam used "Quick Touch" Conditioner on my hair - I think it did actually make the combing session a little less painful.
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these stories are great!
I can remember the days when the hairdresser would charge extra for a tiny bottle of setting lotion - quite the optional extra.
And now look at you ttfn, glamour personified in your very flattering hairnet!!

How are you, by the way xx
Didn't they use sugar water as setting lotion?
I remember having my hair washed in Derbac soap because my sister came home with nits. That was awful.
Friday night is Amami night!
Before dandruff shampoos were retailed the recommended way to deal the problem was to rinse your hair in a mixture of warm water and dettol. Nice.
Hi Lottie - I have to keep what is left of the grey under control now. I was given a bottle of Grecian 2000 when I was in my late 20's, but I retaliated with a packet of Sage and Onion - gift wrapped as I am pure class ;o)
Sorry Lottie - not too bad thanks x
I used to bleach my hair from age about 16. Can't remember what the stuff was but it was a powder you mixed with peroxide. It stung. Funnily enough the colour was really good and my hair never got out of condition and was very shiny. Must have been a miracle. I did dye it with a red dye on top of the bleach once too. That look wasn't so great!!
Red panda Lottie?
Still having my hair coloured!.........know I'm probably very grey now, haven't seen my natural colour for years now, and do not want to!

Used to iron my bleached hair too. Do you remember 'Twinkle' Black eyes and bleached blonde ironed hair!!
When I was put in a children's home in 1957 (mercifully only for 6 weeks), we were bathed every night in a mixture of warm water and Dettol, two by two in the bath. Can still smell the Dettol to this day.
It was quite common to put dettol in the bath water back then. I remember my Mum putting in my bath - either that or salt!!
There is a reel of cine film in the loft of me washing my hair under an outside stand pipe in N Wales on a wet morning (is there any other sort there?) wearing just my nightie - no slippers but standing on a large slab of Snowdonia slate. You see mike - I wasn't a rich kid either ;o)
Talking of baths, did others have a parafin heater brought into the bathroom on bath night. I remember the smell and I loved it. An old gas geyser over the bath to warm up the water and the little parafin heater. Then wrapped up in a big towel and dried off in front of the coal fire. Nice memories actually.
ttfn, YouTube, or it didn't happen, lol :-)

...and no, there is no other type of morning here.
Did you live in a cave then ttfn?

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