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antibiotic course

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bednobs | 13:48 Sun 02nd Jan 2011 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
hi, i started a 5 day course of nitrofurantoin for a wee infection on the 30th december. When the dispensary at my chemist gave them to me they said "we are 8 short so you'll have to come and pick them up at another time" I have only just realised that the 12 i have will run out today and they are not open tomorrow. What's the best thing to do? Either just take the 3 days worth, have a day break then take the final 2 days, just take 3 days worth full stop or phone the on call service explain and ask for another prescription so i can get them from a chemist today?


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phone the on call service and ask them!
A day´s break will do no harm.....take that option and then finish off your course.
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just thought i would let you know i did what woofgang suggested and they prescribed me some more
Well done, at least you can now finish your course, good luck.

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antibiotic course

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