Sqad, listening to the location and description, could this be a small SAH?
Purple, can you describe the initial onset of symptoms? Any aversion to lights? Any recent head injuries or bumps and scrapes? Any recent blackouts or faints?
No faints. No black out. Just this constant pain this will bethe 3rd day I awoke with this head pain thursday morning. Dizziness began last friday. I amin bed still ina darkened room. But light does not hurt as such.
I am more comfy resting on my right side. If I turn over to my left side dizziness starts and pain is worse like stabbing sensation. From front to back of left side.
ear nfection ? need antibiotics?... I am still getting over one which resulted in perforated ear drum... really sore with bad head too .. sounds similar to me...mine still bit sore not as bad but it has been 2 weeks and 2 courses of medication to get here.
It's understandable you're scared but people are giving you GOOD advice to phone NhsDirect. Keep calm, phone them and get a second opinion. (I suffer migraine and could not look at a monitor let alone type/post on a forum during an attack.)