I still have a sore throat and a tickly cough,and my energy ain't great. This was not a cold-no sneezing-not the flu. Or maybe a watered down version,though I doubt that exists.
I need to bear in mind that a lot of our clients are vulnerable,and both clients and co-workers have been down with the baddie-hence coughing everywhere.
pasta did you get it at work? I used to have a rule of thumb when I was working with frail elderly. If my patients had had it and I had caught it from a staff member and I felt okay I'd go to work. Otherwise I'd stay home. Giving it to clients is not a good idea and sharing it with colleagues certainly isn't. Viruses clear quicker with rest too.
You may have the initial signs of flu and it will break into full flu or it may die down and become something managable and not too serious , next few days will confirm. I would say, dont risk passing on to the vunerable until you are sure. But, if it turn out to be nothing, perhaps you could have gone in. The luxury of hindsight!!
Actually...my bosses wouldn't...they would soldier on. I most likely caught it from a co-worker...some of them have had coughs,bad throats..whatever...for weeks.
I think you should stay home, see how you go!..........No point in spreading it to everyone you come into contact with for the sake of a few days!..............
I am pretty much incapable of making decisions so I use logic.
* Are you off work often - if not take the day off.
** If you have a bad sick record then go in.
*** If you feel genuinely really ill in the morning don't go in.
**** If the clients have illnesses like HIV, AIDS or just pickled livers then I would stay off. It would bother me if you gave one the bug/virus and they got really sick.
***** Go in and see how you feel - if anyone says that you look unwell take it as an order to go home.
As you can see my brain can complicate the simplest of problems until it hurts your head and makes you dizzy. I think it is the Lithium that does it, however if I refuse to take it I am forcibly detained at his/her majesties pleasure.
Hope you feel better - I have just had a virus and I felt totally cr4p for a few weeks. Even kicking the cats off the bed was exhausting.
I decided to stay home. I felt a bit worse at bedtime,so I set my alarm for early...when I woke-I still felt under par. That decided it for me.
Yes wolfe...I do think about the clients also. Some are heavy drinkers, etc.- with all the associated health risks. And as I'm coughing a lot...my presence in the kitchen is not such a good idea.
That may be true hopkirk...but I am a cook....catering for homeless,and other vulnerable groups. Coughing and food preparation is not a good combo in my book.
sqad...I am not one to take off at the drop of a hat...I dithered a lot over this yesterday.
I know myself well enough to know that 7 hours on my feet,when not feeling 100% ,may result in me getting worse.