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waylen | 16:33 Fri 11th Mar 2011 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
Does anyone know of a website that deals with people who sees the future? thanks


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Do you mean a site where clairvoyants hang out or one which looks at the subject in a logical and scientific manner?
18:44 Fri 11th Mar 2011
But if knew a train was about to crash, I would inform the police or railway authorities. Wouldn't you?
Of course ... making herself feel good about it is much more important than preventing that 747 from crashing into that school, I agree. :-)
waylen, I was being serious and (I thought, helpful) but as you have called me a lousy human being, I will safe my energies in future.
Talk to a genuine medium at your local spiritualist church waylen. Im sure they can guide your daughter. Good luck.
I don't think she was pointing the finger at you 237SJ - it was the other knobs !
I had a premonition that DEN53 was going to post at 19.27 precisely !
Evening Redman - hows you ? you would have been proud of me today - I parked in between two cars with just two goes at it. Not a bollard in sight.....(:0)
You deserve a Coffee for that DEN as I would not have needed to borrow Bobbisox's BP Machine whilst in the passenger seat !! :-))))))
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Yes, den53 thats what I was trying to find.She needs to know other people suffer this. Thanks
I am actually a good driver - don't let it put you off that on my first driving test, I mounted the kerb in East Ham High Street, scattered hundreds of shoppers.......nearly gave the examiner a panic attack, and then kangarooed off the kerb back onto the highway and then run a red light.
Thats o.k. Waylen.
DEN ! lol lol .....You are thankfully still here to tell the tale even though your driving examiner may never have worked again after that experience !! :-0)
I was gutted when he said I had failed - his hands were still shaking as he filled out my 'you have'nt passed paper'........I'll be round tomorrow to pick you up Redman, just were brown pants....hee hee
^^^ wear ^^^
I'll be waiting with a Coffee DEN providing you don't drive over my Lawn which is my pride and joy. Brown underpants are the order of the day ! ha ha
There is a forum called Above Top Secret where someone foresaw the Japan earthquake in early February. The post was timestamped and can be seen here: http://www.abovetopse...orum/thread660276/pg1
Of course, an earthquake near Japan is no real surprise and they were due a really big one. The last big one was 89 years ago.
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Thanks Graham W. Thats great news, at least she`s not alone.
How do people still believe in all this nonsense!!
Ratter - I`m not sure it`s nonsense. The christmas before my dad died I told my friend I had a feeling he was going to die that April. At new year we were talking about the year ahead and I repeated that I had a feeling my dad would die in the April. He had always been in excellent health but sure enough in the April he had a fatal heart attack. I still can`t explain that.
You either believe it or you don't. I'm one of the ones who don't but also think it would be very interesting if true. How can you possibly see something which has not yet happened. There are so many things which could happen and never do. Oh well!!!

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